Diognosed Addition Desease. Taking Methycobol, Hisone. Blood Transfusion Showed Myeloid Hyperplasia
Thanks for writing into healthcare magic. Yours is a complicated illness the only consistent feature seems to be anaemia and diagnosed thalassemia trait. I have studied your reports in detail I have some concerns about your diagnosis
1. Do you really have adrenal insufficiency .can you share your reports done at the time of diagnosis. Dark pigmentation is a feature of b12 deficiency and may have confused the diagnosis.
2. Your red cell distribution width is wide suggestive of problems additional to thalassemia trait.if there is documented b12 deficiency it needs to be treated with I.v b12 and folate .i feel that a higher dose of b12 1500 mcg may produce a better response.also an I'm deposit of b12 may produce a better response if given ever weekly once than Iv .you may discuss this with your haematologist
3. Other tests I would suggest would be thyroid function test,anti TPO, anti TIssue transglutaminase antibody to look for other coexistence autoimmunity that can worsen anaemia.
You can write back with your queries please allow 12 to 18 hrs for a response.