Dizziness, Headache, Breathlessness, Symptoms Of Vertigo, Suicidal Tendency. Took Vertigo Medication. Advise & Are All These Due To Stress?
1. Took medication for Vertigo
2. Has Spondylosis
3. Feel in the bathroom once and hit the back of her head against the wall. This was about 3-4 months back.
4. Had quit work to look after her daughter who has a head injury. Not being in a job, has affected her a lot. Rejections from a couple of employers recently when she tried to apply for a job has affected her adversely.
5. Says that she hardly slept in the last 6 months
1. Dizziness
2. Headache
3. Breathlessness
4. Symptoms of vertigo
5. Speaking in sub conscious state
6. Attempted suicide in sub conscious state
All the above symptoms started all of a sudden (about a week back). Since then, she has been having these symptoms repeatedly every day and sometimes couple of times in a day.
Local doctor suggests that this is due to stress (mainly related to job), but we are not sure.
Please advice.
Best regards,
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress.
Important aspects of your query are:
• 31 year old female
• Presence of multiple stressors
• Complaints of: Talking to self, suicide attempt, decrease sleep, headache, dizziness, vertigo and breathlessness
Speaking in sub conscious state is a significant symptom which points towards the symptoms of: muttering to self or altered sensorium.
Considering her current condition following diagnosis need to be considered in her case:
-Acute psychosis: can lead to muttering to self and suicide
-Some neurological problem: as she has symptoms like: Speaking in sub conscious state, headache, dizziness and vertigo
Following measures will help her in establishing final diagnosis and management plan:
-Consultation with psychiatrist so that he can do her mental status examination and assess risk of self harm. If she still has risk of self harm, she may need admission for treatment. Remember suicide attempt always a emergency.
-Consultation with neurologist: for physical examination and assessment for need of imaging studies, which may require in her case.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wishing her good health.