Do I Need A Retest At 90 Day Or 60 Day ?
You are free from HIV 1 infection beyond any doubt.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
HIV 4th generation DUO test is highly reliable to the extent of 99% or more.
It is combo test which can detect both antigen (HIV 1) and antibodies against HIV 1&2. Formation of antibodies against HIV (in the presence of an infection) may take 6-8 weeks and sometimes up to 12 weeks after the exposure or encounter whereas antigen can be detected as early as 7 days after the exposure and became conclusive by 3-4 weeks after the exposure.
As far as your report is concerned, a negative test done on 48th day ruled out the possibility of HIV 1 beyond any doubt conclusively. (99.5% of HIV infections are caused by HIV 1 only throughout the world except certain parts Africa). Rest of the world the prevalence of HIV 2 infection is less than 0.5% only. In your case, HIV 2 also ruled out to an extent. Anyhow, it is better to repeat the test once again 12 weeks after the exposure to have a conclusive report with regards to HIV 2 (which is very much unlikely).
Not to worry, relax.
Have a good day!
Dr S. Murugan
I asked the test service provider about the duo test and they said it was conclusive at 6 weeks for BOTH hiv types. And that I need not retest.
Please help.
I did a rapid antibody only self test at 61 days and it was negative. (Finger prick).
You are almost free from HIV 1 and 2 infections.
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Welcome back.
it is very simple. HIV DUO test can detect HIV 1 P24 antigen and antibodies against both HIV 1 and 2. As far as the appearance of antibodies against HIV 1 and 2, it will take anything between 4-8 weeks in majority of cases. So before 4 -6 weeks, it is called as window period in case of HIV infection where the antibody detection is not possible and the antibody tests will show nonreactive even if there is virus in the body of the individual. Usually within 8 weeks antibodies will be formed almost sure in the presence of a HIV infection. In very rare instances this antibody formation may be delayed up to 12 weeks with certain individuals. so any test done after 12 weeks is foolproof. You had done a antibody self test 8 weeks after the exposure which was also nonreactive. so you are almost free from both HIV infections.
Dr S. Murugan
You are most welcome
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Welcome back.
You are always welcome.
It will be a pleasure to answer your queries.
Dr S. Murugan