Do Body Convulsions, Sweating, Nausea And Dizziness Indicative Of Benign Essential Tremor?
Is this part of a start of "Benign Essential Tremor symptom " or part of food poisoning. Suddenly I vomit; I feel slightly better, but my shaking continues for about 40 minutes and then gradually subsides after drinking a cup of Cammomile Tea. What is going on; this is first at 80 years of age. I am anemic and take pills for this
Thanks, waiting for a reply House phone 517-798-6416- cell ph. 517-755-9485 this happened one day ago.
A viral infection most likely
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern. I am sorry but the format of this site, or at least the question type you've chosen doesn't give me any phone option, I can't call you, only write my answer.
The episode is certainly not related to benign essential tremor, it develops insidiously not in an abrupt manner and is not associated with the other symptoms you mentioned.
Judging from your description of shaking and temperature going up it seems to be simply a case of intense shivering (rigors) with high fever. It is usually a manifestation of an infection. What type of infection is difficult to determine based on that alone, any infection may manifest with chills and fever. Most common would be a viral infection (including a gastrointestinal virus - food poisoning), but other types of infection may manifest that way, urinary infections, pneumonia etc. It's the accompanying symptoms which would indicate the source. If no other symptoms apart from those you mention then a viral infection would be most likely. Usually they are passing in nature and only drinking plenty of fluids is advised. If new symptoms appear though or if they persist for over 3 days with no sign of improvement then evaluation through some blood, urine and imaging tests may be needed to evaluate need for further treatment.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.