Do Bronchitis And Zithromax Affect Menstruation?
physical illness can have an effect
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
It is likely more due to illness (bronchitis) than the medication.
Physical and/or emotional stress or illness can have an impact on period flow.
It is thought that this is due to changes in different hormones that are involved in menstruation.
This would not necessarily occur each time you are unwell and having your period.
Other factors that affect menstrual flow or regularity are:(1)extreme physical activity
(2)abnormal levels of the hormones prolactin or thyroid hormone
(3)inadequate diet
(4)oral contraceptives- cause decreased flow
Your menstrual flow should return to your normal flow by your next period.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
would need to ruled out
Detailed Answer:
Since there is a history of unprotected sex , it would be best consider a home pregnancy test. These detect HCG levels and can detect pregnancy by day 11 to 14 of pregnancy.
Since it was just over a month ago, the test can give a true picture.
The chance of pregnancy is low because there was no internal ejaculation but it would need to be ruled out.
The reduced intensity is likely due to your illness but with the unprotected intercourse, pregnancy needs to be ruled out
Please feel free to ask anything else
Detailed Answer:
NO problem
You can contact at any time with any other queries