Do High Cholesterol Levels Put Me At Risk Of Heart Attack? Do Walnuts Bring Cholesterol Level Down?
4 months ago I did quit smoking and gained 4-5 kilos weight.
I am 1.72 m and 78 kilos.
I did not exersize now a year...
No heart problems in family.
In March I had gamma GT on 75 and had mild fatty liver.. But after not drinking alcohol and following a diet, the gamma GT became normal but I did not have any ultrasound for liver done so I dont know if I still have MILD fatty liver.
Today i got results of my first cholesterol blood test and THE results are in mmol/l
Cholesterol. 6.8. Mmol/l
Ldl. 5
Hdl. 0.94
Cholesterol / hdl ratio 7.3
I am little worried all the time. Does this cholesterol level put me on risk now to have heart problems? Or dies it block blood vessels?
I stopped smoking 4 months ago and I gained weight. I was 73 and I became 78 kg now.
Sure I immediatly started eating fish and walnuts XXXXXXX tea, vigitables, fruit...etc... I will only eat meat one time a week and the other days I will eat Chicken and more fish. so like 3-4 days fish and 1-2 Chikken and one day small piece of meat.
I also eat now Becel Pro Active products where is written that they low the LDL level of cholesterol.
Also I started walking half an hour a day. So something like 2 km per day.
My questions are:
1- Can I have these levels from the last 3 or 4 months when I did not care about my diet?
2- Do these levels put me on a high risk now? I mean can I expect a heart attack any time because of this level of cholesterol?
3- Does wallnuts bring your Cholesterol down or is it just to use to fill stomach?
4- What are your advices?
5- My doctor did not give me medications and also did not send me for check ups. Can my cholesterol values become normal from this stage? And in how many months if I keep going on this way?
6- I reduced my Gamma GT and all liver values are fine. Can I still have the MILD fatty liver?
Thanks for the query.
I have gone through the information sent by you. I would tend to believe that your cholesterol levels would have changed to a certain extent in the last 4 months but definitely the basal levels also would have been on the higher side.
High cholesterol level is one of the risk factors for developing coronary heart disease. Since you have no other risk factors it is only a mild increase in risk and it can be modified and you need not worry about it.
When i mean risk is higher i does not mean that you can get a heart attack anytime. It means the long term risk is increased.
Walnuts do not bring down your cholesterol but may have a marginal effect in improving your HDL(High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol (good cholestrol) levels.
My advise to you would be to start exercising regularly at least 45 min per day, 5 to 6 days a week. Cut down on cholesterol XXXXXXX foods like butter, cheese, red meat, bakery products etc. with these lifestyle changes there is a high probability of it it normalizing in a couple of months.
You should get a repeat lipid profile after 3 months and depending on the levels we can decide whether you need to be started on medicines or not.
Fatty liver is not directly related to your cholesterol levels and is likely to persist, but is not a cause for concern and seen in many normal individuals.
Hope i have answered your query.I will be available for follow up.
with regards,
Dr. A. Gopi