Do Sleep Aids Cause Increase In BP Readings?
You can't without drugs
Detailed Answer:
using antihypertensive drugs will lower your blood pressure but this is probably not needed right now. Hypertension causes a lot of problems to the blood vessels in the long term but - unless you've got a really high blood pressure - it's harmless in the short term. There are two exceptions: aneurysms and serious heart disease. If you have none of the above then don't be so alarmed. Try to relax and the blood pressure will probably go down by itself.
Remember that you've got to be absolutely calm in order to achieve an accurate measurement of your blood pressure. This means that measuring your blood pressure when your tooth aches, when you have a headache or when you're angry won't give accurate values. You'll get high values instead.
If this is your "calm" blood pressure then treatment and investigation for secondary hypertension would be needed. Try to avoid salty food and stressful events and get a good sleep. Avoid alcohol and any drug you may be using. And visit your doctor to prescribe treatment for you.
I'll be glad to answer any further questions you may have. Contact me using your follow-up questions.
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Antihypertensive drugs are usually given with a prescription only
Detailed Answer:
I cannot be absolutely sure about the pharmacies in your country but the antihypertensive medications are supposed to be given with a prescription. You can't take anything else, but the most important thing is that unless your blood pressure continues to rise, you don't need it either.
If your blood pressure rises above 185/115 and stays there or (worse) rises even more then perhaps you should visit a doctor just in case . Normally even this blood pressure won't cause any immediate problems to your health. So try to relax and try another measurement when you do.
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