Do Speech And Comprehension Difficulties In Toddlers Require Medical Attention?
xxxxxx understand very few things only what we say to him as compared to first twin Baby (girl). Like
1.if we are asking him something, he can't understand.
2. Girl Baby speakd complete sentence whereas Ruhaan speakd only words and that too few.
3. He can't ask for food when hungry though he can ask for water when he is thirsty.
There are many examples of the same.
Though he can identify colors, can read alpahbets and counting etc. though not in clear sound. So many a times it makes me feel that he is normal and will take some time to catch up the things. however many a times it is opposite, so I want to consult if I should go for any checkup or treatment for him or should wait for some more time.
Avoid gadgets, spend more time talking to him
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Don't worry.
I went through your history and previous visit details.
Your child being a low birth weight twin, may need few more months. Each baby has its own speed of development.
I would suggest the following tips
1. Keep talking to him, spend more time with this twin.
2. Avoid gadgets, TV, XXXXXXX pads, etc which can delay understanding and speech.
3. Current diet is excellent, continue same.
4. Try play school if not already. This will help increasing his interactive skills and there by he might develop speech faster.
5. Even after trying these measures for a couple of months, if there is no improvement consult your pediatrician
Dr Arun