Do White Spots On The Penis Suggest Herpes?
I am consulting you today because I am a bit scared I was looking at my penis and I saw those white spots on my penis, is it herpes?
I can only see the white spots when I stretch my penis skin.
And I also need to pull up the skin situated on my acorn.
I am scared it is herpes I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years and a half I was her first boyfriend. I had some sexual relationschips before, like 4.
Thank you for your help
Fordyce spots most probably
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HCM..
I read history and saw photos you posted... After that I could conclude that most probably you may be having Fordyce spots. You do not have any symptoms like irritation,itching or burning. So, do not worry and be is not like to be herpes genitalis.
I would like to give you some knowledge about Fordyce spots....
Fordyce spots are small white pimples or spots that can appear on and around the penis or on the testicles.Fordyce spots on the lips or around the mouth area may also occur. Actually Fordyce spots is not a disease...but it is abberant sebaceous glands.Fordyce spots on the penis are totally harmless and are not contagious at all. However, the incidence and degree of Fordyce spots on and around the penis varies widely from person to person.
Fordyce spots on the penis take the form of small (around 1–2mm in diameter) yellow-white spots in the genital area – on the shaft of the penis and the testicles, and sometimes beneath the foreskin, if present.
Although present from birth, Fordyce spots on the penis usually appear for the first time around puberty and often persist throughout the lifetime.
It is a harmless condition,so does not require any treatment. If it is embarassing, you may consult dermatologist. Electrocautery under local anaesthesia may be considered.
I hope this would help you. Still any query..feel free to ask.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD
THe top of my acorn is a bit burning, near the hole where the urine comes out, but maybe it is because I stretched my skin to take the pictures 3 hours ago? Also I have put some daktacort on my acorn 2 days ago because I was scared.
How much time does it takes after exposure to the virus to have the first signs? Imagine I had an sexual relation the 5th of may would there already be big sores if it was herpes?
I have uploaded a new picture of my acorn, as you can see at the botom of the acorn it is a bit swellen or bumped I dont know how to discribe it , furthermore the color is a bit different
Fordyce spots
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back...
Incubation period of herpes progenitalis is 2 to 7 days.
I do not feel that you suffer from herpes progenitalis.. Still you consult dermatologist personally for firm diagnosis.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD