Does Amiodarone Raise Or Lower Your INR?
amiodarone may raise the INR
Detailed Answer:
amiodarone does not directly raise the INR but it interacts with warfarin metabolism and raises the INR indirectly. If a patient takes both warfarin and amiodarone, then amiodarone decreases the rate of warfarin's inactivation, therefore allowing it to remain active for longer. Patients on warfarin who start amiodarone need to check their INR closely until it stabilizes.
If a patient's INR is higher than the target levels but not high enough to warrant urgent treatment and the patient is not bleeding then skipping doses or lowering the next dose is the way to go. The patient's doctor should guide the patient as to how many doses have to be skipped because different patients may have different warfarin requirements.
I hope it helps!
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