Does Bactrim Interact With Oral Contraceptive Pills?
On day 16.5, I took plan b a little over 2 days after having unprotected sex.
1. does bactrim ds for 7 days for a uti compromise bc pill?
2. will plan b on day 17 of active pills, about one week before expected period, make my period later?
On another note, I had a question, is a pregnancy test 6 days into a light period, reliable?
Very remore possibility of pregnancy
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I am sure I have not spelt your name correctly. Please correct me.
Now let us discuss your problems one by one.
Bactrim should not compromise the effect of oral contraceptive pills provided you have not vomited the pill out.
It is not clear from your description whether you discontinued your birth control pills after 14 days or you continued to have them uninterrupted. Would you please clarify this issue?
If you were on uninterrupted oral contraceptive pills, there was no need to take Plan B in addition. Moreover, Plan B gives protection from pregnancy only if taken within 72 hours of the unprotected sexual intercourse. You have taken the pill after 2 days. So you are well protected against pregnancy.
Plan B does affect the regularity of following menses. A few days after consumption of the pills, some amount of bleeding may take place; however it is negligible. The period following the Plan B pill usually gets delayed by few days to a week.
If you want to confirm about the status of pregnancy, you have following options:
1. After about a week of your day of expected menses, if you do not get menses, perform a pregnancy test on the overnight early morning first urine sample. Earlier, this test may report false negative.
2. Alternatively, you may opt for Beta hCG test on the blood. This test is highly sensitive and specific. It can detect pregnancy even few days before missing a period; i.e. 10 days after the last unprotected sexual intercourse. In non-pregnant state, the values of Beta hCG are under 5 mIU/ml while values above 25 mIU/ml are diagnostic of pregnancy.
However, considering your history, I do not feel you would be pregnant; still always better to confirm in cases of doubt.
I feel, I have answered all the questions you have raised; however, if you want any more information or advice from me, I am always available for you, XXXX.
DR. Nishikant Shrotri
High possibility of delayed menses
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Since you have taken Plan B pill(s), there are high possibilities that your following menstrual period will be delayed by few days to a week maximum.
In fact, as I have expressed in my previous communication, Plan B was not indicated in your case since you were on uninterrupted oral contraceptive pills.
DR. Nishikant Shrotri