Does Gabapentin Interact With Klonopin?
I am currently taking Gabapentin, 100mg, 3 times a day and .25 MG of Klonopin. I am taking these for burning mouth syndrome, which has been recently diagnosed. I am finding that my hands and legs get a bit numb during the day. Is this a side effect of any of these drugs. I am fine with it, just wondering if that's what the cause could be. And if there is any harm in these drugs. Thanks
It is not a side effect of any of them
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using Health care magic.
I read your query and and understand your concerns.
I do not think numbness of side effect of any of these medicines as both the medicines are helpful in treatment of numbness rather than causing it.
In fact gabapentin is extensively used for treatment of numbness and parasthesia in extremities and helps in most of the patients.
Considering the concomitant diagnosis of burning mouth syndrome it is possible that both numbness in extremities and burning mouth syndrome are manifestation of same pathology. It could be anything like nerve damage, endocrine disorders, vitamin B deficienecy among others.
In my opinion with progress of time numbness will respond in similar way as pain in burning mouth syndrome with same treatment.
I hope this helps you.
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Follow up
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
I understand mysterious nature of burning mouth syndrome and it may seem funny to have different symptoms after start of medication. However I like to make it clear that all symptoms do not present at same time and it is possible that numbness in extremities presented later and it was just a coincidence that it occurred along with start of medication.
Generally the various tests used for diagnosis are not helpful to a great extent and you may get conflicting results. However to unearth the etiology of burning mouth syndrome and numbness in extremities I recommend following tests.
1. Vitamin B 12
2. Serum folate
3. Thyroid profile
4. Nerve conduction study
I hope this answers you further.
Thanks and regards.