Does Testosterone Shot Stunt Penis Growth?
One shot not enough for damage
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Testosterone exogenous introduction to body system cause hormonal imbalances and hypogonadism due to gonadotropin hypothalamic axis manipulation. But one shot is not enough to cause that so that is good news.yiu stopped at a right time.
Now that locker scene and videos and jealousy regarding size , let me be honest those are cheap publicity stunts to compromise your health. Never fall for them.humans have a range of penis. Any thing larger is not human.and unnatural.
Usually index finger is correlated with the size of the penis.following are the range of average dimensions for a human penis. If you lie in that range then that's are as good as humanly possible. And that would be the time to stop worrying.
Mean testicular volume = 16.9 ± 4.7 cm 3;
total penile length =12.18 ± 1.7 cm;
penile shaft length, = 7.76 ± 1.3 cm;
glandular length = 4.4 ± 0.4 cm; and
penile shaft volume, = 46.5 ± 17.2 cm 3.
Do the math and see if you are in range . visit an endocrinologist for further management and assessment of hormones in case of any deviation.
I hope it helps.
Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
No worries
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for getting back to me
Yes one shot won't be enough to cause significant trouble and duration 5 years back makes it lesser significant.
Testosterone has no bad effect on bone growth.after all they are androgen analogs so one shot may help the bones in growth and make them more mineralised etc deposit more calcium but still the use is prohibited. So no worries for bone growth.
I think now you can rest in peace.
Good luck XXXXXXX