Question: I'm not sure what is related but I'll start from the beginning. Two years ago I was stung by a bee, two days later i felt something in my throat on the right side and also started to sweat out of my armpits during the day. My Dr. put me on amoxycylllin for two weeks it didn't help. He said the
bee sting was just a coincidence. I didn't feel sick or have pain just the feeling on my right side of something in my throat when I swallowed. It didn't impede my breathing or anything just felt like something was there. After 2 weeks the feeling didn't go away and the sweating continued. The sweating only happens during the day in my armpits, sweating through my shirts, my hands and feet sweat a little, but not much. I never sweat out of my armpits like this before for no reason and it hasn't stopped. I don't take any meds, I am normally healthy, with no other symptons. The only diagnoses they've found is epstein barr virus but it's not current it's from some time ago. The ENT went up my nose with the camera and didn't see anything, I was sure he would because of this lumpy feeling in my throat. But he saw nothing. He put me on 2 more courses of antibiotics, said it was probably an infection. He couldn't expalin the armpit sweating. The antibiotics didn't stop anything. He sent me for multiple xrays, scans, mris, brain, sinus, abdomen,
upper endoscopy, lower endoscopy, multiple blood tests, and brain mri, nect ct scan, sinus ct scan, chest x ray etc and found nothing. He asked me about stress and also about seeing a
neurologist. I do have stress but nothing I can't deal with. I finally said nothing was wrong with me and moved on, however the sweating and feeling in my throat never stopped I just learned to deal with it. Now a year and a half later the feeling in my throat, the sweating in my armpits during the day is still there and more apparent, and I have a blockage feeling in my ear, that gives me
headaches and
dizziness. The feeling are all on my right side, my ear, headaches, feeling in my throat, the fuzziness in my eye, and the tightness in my right side stomach. The feeling on my right side also affects my voicebox at the end of the day almost like I have a minor
laryngitis like my voice is strained. I went back to my ent and my internist who prescribed me more antibiotics which didn't help. my ent told me its probably a
ear infection. I had more blood work and nothing came up and he sent me for a ct of my sinuses again which didn't show anything. So that's why I'm here asking you what you could recommend or any tests you would recommend to rule out all of there reasons why I would at 38 years old all of sudden start to sweat profusely during the day out of my armpits? I went to allergist and they didn't find any allergy with bees, or anything accept a little allergy with dust mites, but he said that wouldn't give me the symptons. I went to two dermatologists and they didn't know why I would start sweating all of a sudden at 38. They prescribed me heavy deodorant. I just don't know how I'm feeling fine for 38 years and all of a sudden I get a lump feeling in my throat which is only a feeling all the tests, scans, mris etc, didn't show anthying, and also at the exact same time my armpits start sweating everyday and these symptoms haven't stopped for over 1 and half years. Now my ear is blocked, I get headaches, and dizziness all on my right side of my body. All symptons are on the right side of my body, accept for the sweating is in both armpits.