Does Estrogen Deficiency Contribute To Memory Loss?
Estrogen enhances brain function including memory
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through you query in detail.
Medical research has been done on the point raised by you and it has been known that estrogen directly influences brain function through estrogen receptors located on neurons in multiple areas of the brain. Its effects are both neuroprotective and neurotrophic. Estrogen has been shown to protect isolated neurons in vitro from oxidative stress, ischemic injury, hypoglycemic injury, and damage by amyloid protein, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. It also stimulates production of nerve growth factors, thereby promoting neuronal growth and viability, repair of damaged neurons, and dendritic branching. Blood supply in brain is also enhanced due to the vasodilatory effect of estrogen. This happens by binding to receptors in the endothelium, estrogen stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have further doubts.