Does Glycerin Suppository Interact With Restoralax?
no known interactions
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
There are no known interactions between glycerin suppositories and restoralax or magnesium citrate.
Either the restoralax or magnesium citrate can be used if the suppositories have not been helpful.
In some cases, unfortunately it can take 1 to 4 days for an effect to occur. During this time continue to use a lot of fluids to help soften the stool so that it can be expelled easier.
After this acute episode of constipation has resolved, you would need to avoid using any laxatives too often because the bowel becomes dependent on them and if used frequently, they can cause constipation (bowel can't work on its own).
Avoiding constipation:
(1)drink a lot of fluid daily not counting caffeine drinks, alcohol because these cause the body to lose fluid
(2)use a lot of fiber , with each main meal and as in between snacks if you use snacks
This involves fruits , vegetables, whole grain, oats , flax seeds etc
(3)as active as possible, this has been shown to help with constipation
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
can use another dose
Detailed Answer:
If you have no response today, then you can use another dose of whichever laxative you added, the restoralax or the magnesium citrate.
It is okay to use another dose if there is no response
Please feel free to ask anything else