Question: I am of Irish descent. My father had phlebotomies when I was a child but I never actually knew why. He died at 56. He had
cirrhosis. My sister died three years ago at 68. Totally a non drinker with an
artificial heart valve. Died of cirrhosis. I got extremely sick a year ago. My doctor didn't knw what was wrong with me. I live in Illinois but have a house in Arizona. I went to Mayo in Arizona. At the time, I was too sick to fly because I could not sit up long enough to fly. My husband made me a bed in the back of our SUV and drove me there. I have had three heart stents. They did all kind of tests. I was on
insulin for
diabetes (I'm not diabetic now) my copper was high, I had liver problems, XXXXXXX I have a tumor on my kidney. All of my blood work was crazy. They treated all those things but never found why I had them. My iron was 700 with a 100 % saturation. Because I was on
Plavix at the time, they wouldn't do a
liver biopsy or a heart biopsy but wanted to. I was there a month (outpatient) and they took blood every week a couple of times. I sponetaneously got better. They also would not do
phlebotomy because my iron wasn't a 1000. So, now it is beginining to get high again and I am getting sick again. I know it is hemachromatosis but because my level doesn't reach 1000, they ignore it. My sister's wasn't either and she died. They are going to let me die. What can I do?