Does Methamphetamine Show Up On Drug Tests?
I was tested same date every year even schedualed my pap same apt have never used street drug when determined to be add 30 years offered dexadrine knew immediate and hormone therapyly it was a waste of time spun my wheels did nothing for headinjury that Ritalin helped. would lawyer help as G.P> claims he can do nothing I don't care about oxy program right now but scared of ibpropen and future of increasing pain with no pain meds ever allowed.when pain center doc saw my hand he insisted it must have been broken no- osteoarthritis. diabetic type nerve pain bone to bone contact back missing cartledge fibromyalgia at times on norpramine gabapentene 5 mg. stelezine and hormone therapy
5ft. 7in 140 lbs Pain meds let me live active life now I;m terrified I'll be stuck in bed and not able to continue traveling every two months to dance with granddaughter. I know Louse Hay how to heal your life is right but never allowed pain med ever againDo I see a lawyer to fight govmt LOL?now I know 2nd positive impossible maybe first one was also and I hadn't been drugged by guest?
There's accuracy and then there's accuracy
Detailed Answer:
Ok... first... let us deal with it's ACCURACY. It detects stress hormones. Any nasal decongestant, asthma drug, quite possibly herbal energy thing will light up a urine test because they contain things that are similar to amphetamine.
methalphenadate is an amphetamine
Frankly, I would be more worried about a patient who is prescribed it and whose urine does NOT have it detectable (sign she is selling it!)
Hair tests 1) more accurate and 2) are the only way you can get data that really ought to be accepted everywhere about what you were doing in the past (about 1/2 to 1 inch of hair = 1 if female with 6 inches of hair that's definitely 6 months back you can clear.
But frankly I am unclear on the question:
" blood test for methamphetamine " in someone taking presumably prescribed
methalphenadate is what the test is supposed to do... show you are taking an amphetamine. You are. They should know that. They have you in a program presumably knowing you are on methalphenadate, it shows up in the urine.. why are they surprised?
Um....clear your name by showing them your medical records and pointing at the amphetamine drug you told them about ?
There are also cases in which the drug test messes up. Common on the check dipstick method quite uncommon on the more expensive CSI type (which is always used on hair testing).