Does Mitral Valve Prolapse Cause Decrease In Strength, Pounding Of Heart And Slight Murmur ?
Thanks for your query.
A very short lived palpitation as yours are harmless. You should get evaluations if they are associated with other symptoms like Short of breath, chest pain, sweating, lightheaded and nausea.
It may be Echocardiography done by your Cardiologist. It is a non-invasive procedure similar to Ultrasonography where your cardiologist will check of there is any damage to your heart valves, their status, etc. That will dispel / confirm your doubts.
If fatigue / exhaustion is common problem, an Endocrinologist is a better person to rule out organic nature of the problem. If he says you are fine after proper work up, you need a counselling session by your Psychiatrist to rule out Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You may consider getting Serum TSH, Serum B12 and Folate level done as their low levels are another cause of chronic exhaustion.
You are going in right direction. Consult your doctor get referred to Endocrinologist and Cardiologist as well.
Hope my perspective is accepted. I am available for follow up.