Does Personality Changes After A Surgery?
If the personality change was not caused by the operation, then was it just the beginnings of Alzheimer's or dementia? I forgot to say that his short-term memory had been deteriorating considerably at the time and he had started behaving rather rudely to former friends, interrupting speeches at formal dinners, etc. - things he had previously deplored in others.
Thanks in advance.
Illnesses and probably dementia!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about what you experienced and what your boyfriend has been doing. I have reviewed his information fully and am of the opinion that dementia and illness combined push him into this personality break down and the consequent behaviors. Because he had severe artery disease, the same process goes on in the brain and causes vascular dementia that can cause personality changes.
In all, onset of probably vascular dementia and the stress of the disease and surgery precipitated the string of atypical behavior he manifested.
I hope this helps. I wish him well. Sorry for all the consequences you have suffered. If you need more information and clarifications, please feel free to ask me.
It's sad and I feel your plight!
Detailed Answer:
It's sad to see someone whom you have shared so much with go down so easily and succumb to the undesirable fate of illness. I will advise you to stay positive and optimistic and know that it was nothing of your fault. I will not also blame him because he's is somewhat not even aware of ll the personality changes and the inconveniences that is causing.
I hope this throws more light and insights into his problem and relieves you of your worries. I wish you a good and happy time.