Does Raised Uric Acid Level Cause Hypertension?
Uric acid does not cause elevated Blood pressure
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare-Magic
Greetings of the day
Raised Uric acid level is not the cause for hypertension or elevated Blood pressure.
Was only one reading of blood pressure raised?
What is the present blood pressure.
If the blood pressure is elevated on multiple occasions it's likely to be secondary hypertension. There is usually treatable cause in 14 year old child.
Had he been my patient I would have requested the following investigation
1. Ultrasound Abdomen along with color doppler scan of Renal artery
2. Ultrasound of adrenal gland
3. Urine examination
4. Serum electrolyte
5. 2 d echo cardiography
6. Ecg
I would suggest you to get back to me with the information I have asked you
Take care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kishore
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon
Thanks for reply.
The BP value was consistenly showing 90 to 95 / 140 to 145 .
then i took the advise of Doctor have checked all aspects in your mail except on Cardiology and found OK
Doctor by examination of patient clinically informed that Heart is healthy.
He has advised BP Medicine Calci guard 10 mg twice a day for the last 15 days.He has also taken medicine for uric acid for 10 days and iam advised by Doctor to take the uric acid test again this week.
Iam checking his BP regularly daily twice in my house and it is 80 to 85/120 to 125.My son also is having White coat hypertension and he is always hesitant to check with Doctor. When the Doctors Check his BP it gets elevated and shows 90 - 95/ 150-160. Immediately after reaching home when i check it is normal. i have also caliberated my BP machine with Doctormachine for my personal BP to validate the machine and confirmed that my Machine is OK.
My local Doctor has advised that since he has white coat HT , if the level is normal , stop BP medicine and have observation daily after the uric acid test.
Please advise.
Medication can be stopped if his pressure is XXXXXXX
Detailed Answer:
If adrenal and thyroid have revealed nothing abnormal then there is no cause for concern.
Just get a routine echo cardiography and ecg as a baseline.
You can stop the medication if the pressure is normal and it is just white coat hypertension .
Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy life.
Do take care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak