Does Single Shot Of Testosterone Enanthate Fuse Growth Plates?
One dose will not seal your growth plates
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Thanks for posting your question on HealthCareMagic. I would like to understand your requirement first. One single shot cannot fuse your growth plates. But at the age of 16 years, although a few inches can be added, not much of growth is left anyway.
Testosterone is the male hormone that promotes male functions of our body. The production of testosterone depends on a feedback loop. Thus when there is more of testosterone in the body (whether due to natural production or due to injected artificial testosterone), the production would decrease whereas if the levels are low production would increase. When metabolised, testosterone gets converted into oestrogen which has an effect of sealing off growth plates after initial growth spurt.
Rather than taking synthetic testosterone, I thing that you would find the following article useful:
Though some effect could be there, it is not total
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Thanks for writing back. I would not say that it would not have any adverse effects altogether. But there is no reason to consider the adverse effect to cause total blockage of the growth too. I would insist you not to take any further doses.
Penis unlikely to grow with the testosterone inj
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I do not think that it had any effect on the penis size. You simply cannot increase the penis size like that.