Brief Answer:
fetal fsh surge causes primitive sperm formation
Detailed Answer:
After the fertilisation of the ovum occurs with sperm. It determines the chromosomal sex, normally if the resulting
genotype of the fertilised ovum is 46 XY; is is chromosome wise male.
Y chromosome induces many things.
The gonad which is ambiguous differentiates into testis under the influence of Y chromosome.
Leydig cells and
sertoli cell are formed .
Leydig cells secrete
testosterone autonomous that is on its own initially and later under influence of Lh released by pituitary of fetus. It causes the development of male genitalia.
Under the influence of fsh of fetus the stem cells differentiate into primordial gametocyte or primitive sperm cells and remain in that state till the second fsh surge which occurs at
puberty causes their final maturity.
The first Lh and fsh surge or increased level occurs in the utero that is when the baby is still In the womb of mother. This surge helps in differentiation of the baby into males and the formation of gametocyte in the testis( primitive sperms ) . This surge also helps in testicular descent. If you look at embryology, testis is fetus are normally present inside the abdomen in the region of kidney, the Lh and fsh surge promotes the descent in the final position to make it lie outside the body into cavity called as
So I would once reassure that short term use of
steroid does not affect it.
Rest be assured everything is alright. It is not the exogenous or endogenous steroid which kick start final maturation into mature sperms but it is the lh and fsh surge which causes it, independent of other factors
In case you require any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kishore
Consultant Surgeon