Does Taking Methocarbamol Help With Opiate Withdrawals?
in a pain management therapy for 3 years and just last week found out that my Doctor has closed
her practice leaving myself and many other patients going threw severe withdrawal. I have very
bad disk damage in my neck. I really do not no what to do. Her office staff tell's me a new Doctor
is going to take over her practice his name is Dr Shelton Dr Huggins has been treating me for 3 years. What do i do?
no, not really
Detailed Answer:
Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant related to carisoprodol. It is somewhat random that the latter and not methocarbamol was recently designated a controlled substance. While all of these can be abused to get sedated, their mechanism of action is likely more closely related to anti-seizure medicines than to other drugs of abuse. It is not related to narcotics. Being somewhat sleepy has had variable results on narcotic withdrawal but is not reliably beneficial to coming off of narcotics.
Cannot say in your particular case so I will go two different directions:
If one has no narcotic addiction issues but just has pain. THen clonidine, buspar, anti-nausea medications can all lower some of the side effects of withdrawal and the withdrawal effects of short acting narcotics lasts pretty briefly (a week or so, peaking at 3-5 days).
If one really is dependent on the drug to get by, or with a history of abusing drugs, they might consider a methadone maintenence or suboxone context. Possibly with emergency room or other short term emergency care with or without a rehab follow up.