Drug Addiction History, Rotten Teeth. Can The Dentures Be Done Safely Without Pain?
You say you are terrified to go to the dentist and now all of your teeth and gums are in very bad condition. So, I will suggest you please go to a dentist in your area, if possible to a specialist (periodontist), because a periodontist deals the problems related to tooth supporting structures like gums, bones and ligament etc. and please do not get worried, everything will be good.
Do give all the details about your health problems and drug addiction, and any medication you are taking in full to your dentist. Believe me you will definitely get rid of your problem without any complication.
And as you heard you could bleed to death in surgery, which is not right. If you will give the proper medical history to your dentist, he will definitely help you out without any complication. Because if there will be any uncontrolled problem like hypertension, diabetes etc., these conditions can be controlled with the help of your physician and the whole dental treatment can be done in controlled condition which will not lead to any complication.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have further any questions, I will be happy to help you.
Take care
Dr.Gunjan Gupta