Elevated Blood Pressure, Sweating, Indigestion, Nausea, Pain In The Jaw. Emergency?
Thanks for posting your query.
Excessive sweating and nausea is sometimes associated with raised blood pressure.
Normal Blood pressure usually rests at 120/80mmHg, but your blood pressure is 179/99mmHg. Before coming to any conclusions it is advisable to note a few points first.
Blood pressure needs to be measured over a bare arm after the person is at rest for atleast 5 minutes in sitting position with feet on the floor or in lying down position. No stimulant like smoking, alcohol, caffeine, colas, etc. has been consumed since 30 minutes as well. Also the Blood pressure measurement needs to be repeated a few times during the day to confirm validity of the reading.
The blood pressure mentioned by you is quite high and considering your age such high BP can lead to complications as stroke, neuropathy, heart issues etc.
You need to be under observation and require continuous monitoring of Blood pressure along with investigations as Blood test, ECG,stress test.
The blood pressure is to be lowered initially by means of medications which might be administered in injectable form.
Kindly visit an ER so that you can be monitored regularly and also to avoid any complications.
Hope this answers your query.I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.