Experiencing Hemorrhaging During Period. Feeling Discomfort In Arm. What Is The Solution?
First, you are describing heavier cycles (and I will assume they are lasting longer as well). This is not an uncommon problem as women age and is commonly associated with fibroids (benign tumors of the uterus) or polyps inside of the uterus. This can easily be assessed on exam and with an ultrasound.
Second, the pain in your right arm is unlikely related to your cycles, but if you are saying that it IS associated with the heavy bleeding, then I will theorize that there is some backward flow of blood out of the tubes and into the pelvis. This can "irritate" the lining of the abdomen or the diaphragm and cause referred pain to the shoulder on the right or left.
I hope this answers your questions. Please ask you have followup questions or need clarification. Please leave feedback!! Good luck!