Experiencing Tingling Sensation In Arms And Upper Back. What Is Causing This Feeling?
I read with interest your pins & needles query & note your age detail. As all your other parameters are normal & you do not have any other major ailments, I think you have absolutely nothing to fear. This sensation can arise from a variety of reasons but will largely be a result of the 'nerve' supplyng this area getting 'pinched' at some point from its origin to its supplying the fibres to that particular region. The temperature surge may be some sort of a viral infection & the two need not be connected at all. Please try to sleep flat on a firm mattress or flat hard bedding sans (without) using a pillow or /& review your posture while sitting either at home or in your car etc. It is at best a minor problem but if these simple measures fail to give you any symptomatic relief, do visit your local neurologist or GP for further evaluations. I wish you good health & feel free to get back anytime & hope have put your mind at rest & you are a lot more relaxed before as opposed to after you read my answer :) cheers!
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD Dermatologist,