
February 2019 Till Now. -Legs Started Feeling Tired, At Night,

Posted on Tue, 10 Sep 2019
Question: February 2019 till now.

-Legs started feeling tired, at night, like I had ran a marathon all day.

-Then I started having a pinching swollen feeling between my legs (perineum area) and thought it may be a UTI or a light prostate infection.

-I went to the immediate care and they prescribed me Doxycycline for a week (500mg twice daily) No improvement

-Went to my regular family doctor, he put me on Augmentin 500mg once daily for a week (No improvement)

-Went to the ER with increased pressure in the perineum are and anus. Also having spasms in my anus. They did a CT (w/contrast) lower abdomen. Did not see anything that would be causing this. Prostate check (digital) no sign of swollen or enlarged prostate.

-Went back to my family doctor and he put me on prednisone taper, and another round of Augmentin. (No improvement)

-had a MRI of the lower L Spine. (Came back normal)

-Sent to Urologist, he examined testicles, said he didn’t think it was urological and put me on flomax, (No improvement)

-Visited the ER two more times with no findings of anything that would be causing this pain.

-***on a work day I had to go to the bathroom really bad with my stomach hurting really bad. I went to the bathroom and when I strained to have the bowel movement, a lump popped up right above my crack in my back when I pushed…I had to quickly straighten out (practically laying back on the toilet) and take my hand and push the lump back in, when I did, I feel the bowel move down and then out of my anus. (This hurt pretty bad)

-Then visited Gastrointestinal doctor. She upon digit prostate check, she hit a spot (towards my back) that made me almost come off the table. She thought that the antibiotics given were not string enough and that the CT scan may have missed and abscess in my anus wall. She placed me on two weeks of Augmentin 875 three times a day along with another prednisone pack) (No improvement)

-I continued to have pain. Then I started noticing that some of the pain I was having was simply my underwear and clothes touching my skin…like a Hyperalgeasia. So considering that I have HVS2 and have had opthamalic herpes zoster before (eye) I went back to my family doctor who had literally said laughing…”I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.”
I asked would he consider or did he think the diagnosis of herpes zoster in my spine was worth while? So he put me on Valtrex 3 times daily (1 Gram) and another long taper prednisone pack. With absolutely no improvement.

The latest….

-The viceral hyperalgesia in the hip/torso area has subsided just a little. (Not much, but a little). I have been trying to pay very close attention to my body as well as my habits. I noticed that if I eat a big solid meal, it seems to aggravate the inside of me, like I can feel a hypersensitivity to the food being digested especially when it moves to the colon area at the end of digestion. Right above my left butt cheek. There is a very tender spot upon palpation or pressing with a digit there. It is so tender it feels like if I pressed hard enough I would pass out from the pain.

-Standing without a doubt makes it worse. Even sitting upright aggravates it, but laying down on my stomach flat will alleviate the pain almost all the way, but the second I stand up, Its starts hurting again.

-The pain is a pain that seems to be inside me. By that I mean inside (organ wise) It does not seem to be structural or a nerve or skeletal. I say that because I am physically able to do anything, jumping jacks, stretches, etc, without any further aggravation. It just hurts the same no matter what, unless I am laying down either flat on my stomach or on my right side. The main source of the pain is right above my above butt cheek to the left of my spine. I have severe hyperalgeasia in that area. When I stand the pain becomes almost unbearable in that area, but it’s not sharp like a kidney stone, it’s like someone has me against the wall (face first) with a rounded broom stick handle in that area..pushing on it. I have never had any nerve problems so I can’t say whether or not it feels like a nerve problem. As I stand it will worsen to the point I will HAVE to lay down. This time period seems to be getting shorter and shorter as time goes on.

-Nothing relieves the pain, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Hydrocodone, nothing. I have been to a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and neither seems to help. Of course the chiro wants to blame it on misalignment and have me keep coming back. Interesting enough, the chiropractor adjusting me does not seem to make it hurt when he is doing it, nor afterwards, just kind of mute affect.

-I have taken hot sitz baths, used numbing cream for the hyperalgesia, but it doesnt really do anything.

-I have had no accidents or falls or anything rough like that to cause this. I have changed my diet back and forth to see if this affected it in anyway, and it doesn’t seem to be a factor.

-PAIN DESCRIPTION: The pain in that one spot feels like it is burning and like someone has a broom handle pressing into it. Moving anyway doesn’t seem to aggravate it, but standing in general does. Sitting does also cause it to worsen or aggravate it, but not like standing. That pain I was first talking about in my legs increases substantially when standing. It feels like the outer bands of my legs are on fire or like the muscles are inflamed, but none of the anti-inflammatory seems to help at all. This is definitely constant. It feels like my muscles or tendons are rubbing against the bone and have worn a groove in them right under my butt where my leg meets. It also hurts the same but not as intense in the front of my legs (to the left and right of my groin) where the legs meet my abdomen

-Whenever I have to pee, the feeling in my bladder is very bad…another words it is quite a bit more intense than normal when I have to pee bad. It is hard to initiate an dit just kind of dribbles and never feels like its quite empty.

-my ejaculations cause SEVERE PAIN. Not while they are happening although it is quite different than normal. It feels like my penis is blocked and is pumping extra hard to ejaculate. About 15 minutes after ejaculation, I get a bad swollen, pressure/burning constant pain down there for about the next two days. This is very painful and has almost ruined my sex life.

-This has been going on for about 6 months now or more. I beginning to feel very hopeless and even though I love life more than the average person, I will admit, I have thought about taking my own life. I have even googled ways to do it that would be painless or near painless. I have a 7 yr old daughter and a 16 year old son, and a girlfriend that I have been seeing for 7 years now. I do NOT want to die, nor do I want to take my own life. But I can’t keep living like this, it is every second of the day. I can no longer work like I used to, I can’t hardly even think the pain is so constant and severe.

-last thing I want to mention, and I haven’t mentioned it to the doctors, because it’s something we have done for years now, but my gf and I have sex toys, not anything crazy like S&M, or pain. But she has a vibrator of hers that occasionally she will use on me. The last time we have done anything like that, was probably back in February. I don’t really recall any situation where there was an incident of severe pain or anything like that. I do remember one time, I felt a little numb afterwards, but nothing alarming. It’s not something you want to tell everyone, but at this point, shame is tolerable if anyone thinks it’s a possible cause. If I could have hit something in there and damaged it. I am a very skinny guy (6ft tall and was about 155 lbs) but lately I have dropped to around 143lbs. I don’t eat a lot, I usually eat once maybe twice a day, usually a late lunch or dinner. The vibrator she has is about 6 inches, it’s not a strap on or anything like that, she just does it with her hand to bring me to ejaculation. But I wanted to mention that here so it could be a part of the diagnosis. Our sex life in general has cut way back just due to the painful aftermath of the ejaculations.

-All the doctors I see just act like it’s nothing. they try to get in, and out as quick as humanly possible. They seem to want to match it up with the most common thing. I think at this point we can agree that this is not you typical situation. I understand Occams Razor Theory and the logistics behind it, but after rounds and rounds of antibiotics and prednisone and no pain relief even with narcotics, I am beginning to feel desperate and hopeless. Please HELP. I am in a very very bad way right now and need help badly. I don’t know what else to do.

Follow up: Dr. Dariush Saghafi (0 minute later)
February 2019 till now.

-Legs started feeling tired, at night, like I had ran a marathon all day.

-Then I started having a pinching swollen feeling between my legs (perineum area) and thought it may be a UTI or a light prostate infection.

-I went to the immediate care and they prescribed me Doxycycline for a week (500mg twice daily) No improvement

-Went to my regular family doctor, he put me on Augmentin 500mg once daily for a week (No improvement)

-Went to the ER with increased pressure in the perineum are and anus. Also having spasms in my anus. They did a CT (w/contrast) lower abdomen. Did not see anything that would be causing this. Prostate check (digital) no sign of swollen or enlarged prostate.

-Went back to my family doctor and he put me on prednisone taper, and another round of Augmentin. (No improvement)

-had a MRI of the lower L Spine. (Came back normal)

-Sent to Urologist, he examined testicles, said he didn’t think it was urological and put me on flomax, (No improvement)

-Visited the ER two more times with no findings of anything that would be causing this pain.

-***on a work day I had to go to the bathroom really bad with my stomach hurting really bad. I went to the bathroom and when I strained to have the bowel movement, a lump popped up right above my crack in my back when I pushed…I had to quickly straighten out (practically laying back on the toilet) and take my hand and push the lump back in, when I did, I feel the bowel move down and then out of my anus. (This hurt pretty bad)

-Then visited Gastrointestinal doctor. She upon digit prostate check, she hit a spot (towards my back) that made me almost come off the table. She thought that the antibiotics given were not string enough and that the CT scan may have missed and abscess in my anus wall. She placed me on two weeks of Augmentin 875 three times a day along with another prednisone pack) (No improvement)

-I continued to have pain. Then I started noticing that some of the pain I was having was simply my underwear and clothes touching my skin…like a Hyperalgeasia. So considering that I have HVS2 and have had opthamalic herpes zoster before (eye) I went back to my family doctor who had literally said laughing…”I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.”
I asked would he consider or did he think the diagnosis of herpes zoster in my spine was worth while? So he put me on Valtrex 3 times daily (1 Gram) and another long taper prednisone pack. With absolutely no improvement.

The latest….

-The viceral hyperalgesia in the hip/torso area has subsided just a little. (Not much, but a little). I have been trying to pay very close attention to my body as well as my habits. I noticed that if I eat a big solid meal, it seems to aggravate the inside of me, like I can feel a hypersensitivity to the food being digested especially when it moves to the colon area at the end of digestion. Right above my left butt cheek. There is a very tender spot upon palpation or pressing with a digit there. It is so tender it feels like if I pressed hard enough I would pass out from the pain.

-Standing without a doubt makes it worse. Even sitting upright aggravates it, but laying down on my stomach flat will alleviate the pain almost all the way, but the second I stand up, Its starts hurting again.

-The pain is a pain that seems to be inside me. By that I mean inside (organ wise) It does not seem to be structural or a nerve or skeletal. I say that because I am physically able to do anything, jumping jacks, stretches, etc, without any further aggravation. It just hurts the same no matter what, unless I am laying down either flat on my stomach or on my right side. The main source of the pain is right above my above butt cheek to the left of my spine. I have severe hyperalgeasia in that area. When I stand the pain becomes almost unbearable in that area, but it’s not sharp like a kidney stone, it’s like someone has me against the wall (face first) with a rounded broom stick handle in that area..pushing on it. I have never had any nerve problems so I can’t say whether or not it feels like a nerve problem. As I stand it will worsen to the point I will HAVE to lay down. This time period seems to be getting shorter and shorter as time goes on.

-Nothing relieves the pain, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Hydrocodone, nothing. I have been to a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and neither seems to help. Of course the chiro wants to blame it on misalignment and have me keep coming back. Interesting enough, the chiropractor adjusting me does not seem to make it hurt when he is doing it, nor afterwards, just kind of mute affect.

-I have taken hot sitz baths, used numbing cream for the hyperalgesia, but it doesnt really do anything.

-I have had no accidents or falls or anything rough like that to cause this. I have changed my diet back and forth to see if this affected it in anyway, and it doesn’t seem to be a factor.

-PAIN DESCRIPTION: The pain in that one spot feels like it is burning and like someone has a broom handle pressing into it. Moving anyway doesn’t seem to aggravate it, but standing in general does. Sitting does also cause it to worsen or aggravate it, but not like standing. That pain I was first talking about in my legs increases substantially when standing. It feels like the outer bands of my legs are on fire or like the muscles are inflamed, but none of the anti-inflammatory seems to help at all. This is definitely constant. It feels like my muscles or tendons are rubbing against the bone and have worn a groove in them right under my butt where my leg meets. It also hurts the same but not as intense in the front of my legs (to the left and right of my groin) where the legs meet my abdomen

-Whenever I have to pee, the feeling in my bladder is very bad…another words it is quite a bit more intense than normal when I have to pee bad. It is hard to initiate an dit just kind of dribbles and never feels like its quite empty.

-my ejaculations cause SEVERE PAIN. Not while they are happening although it is quite different than normal. It feels like my penis is blocked and is pumping extra hard to ejaculate. About 15 minutes after ejaculation, I get a bad swollen, pressure/burning constant pain down there for about the next two days. This is very painful and has almost ruined my sex life.

-This has been going on for about 6 months now or more. I beginning to feel very hopeless and even though I love life more than the average person, I will admit, I have thought about taking my own life. I have even googled ways to do it that would be painless or near painless. I have a 7 yr old daughter and a 16 year old son, and a girlfriend that I have been seeing for 7 years now. I do NOT want to die, nor do I want to take my own life. But I can’t keep living like this, it is every second of the day. I can no longer work like I used to, I can’t hardly even think the pain is so constant and severe.

-last thing I want to mention, and I haven’t mentioned it to the doctors, because it’s something we have done for years now, but my gf and I have sex toys, not anything crazy like S&M, or pain. But she has a vibrator of hers that occasionally she will use on me. The last time we have done anything like that, was probably back in February. I don’t really recall any situation where there was an incident of severe pain or anything like that. I do remember one time, I felt a little numb afterwards, but nothing alarming. It’s not something you want to tell everyone, but at this point, shame is tolerable if anyone thinks it’s a possible cause. If I could have hit something in there and damaged it. I am a very skinny guy (6ft tall and was about 155 lbs) but lately I have dropped to around 143lbs. I don’t eat a lot, I usually eat once maybe twice a day, usually a late lunch or dinner. The vibrator she has is about 6 inches, it’s not a strap on or anything like that, she just does it with her hand to bring me to ejaculation. But I wanted to mention that here so it could be a part of the diagnosis. Our sex life in general has cut way back just due to the painful aftermath of the ejaculations.

-All the doctors I see just act like it’s nothing. they try to get in, and out as quick as humanly possible. They seem to want to match it up with the most common thing. I think at this point we can agree that this is not you typical situation. I understand Occams Razor Theory and the logistics behind it, but after rounds and rounds of antibiotics and prednisone and no pain relief even with narcotics, I am beginning to feel desperate and hopeless. Please HELP. I am in a very very bad way right now and need help badly. I don’t know what else to do.

Answered by Dr. Dariush Saghafi (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I'm very surprised that nobody thought of sending to a NEUROLOGIST

Detailed Answer:
I'm not going to rehash everything you talked about that didn't work or the thought processes behind diagnoses that simply didn't pan out....because:

1. The treatments didn't work
2. THEREFORE, ERGO, and AS A RESULT- The diagnoses are not accurate. And I don't think I'd approach that reality by simply repeating failed treatments....make sense?

But I suppose what I'm going to suggest is easy now that everything else has been tried, right? You ever heard of the saying that someone of repute once made into a nice poster on some college kid's wall? "If I've had the opportunity to see a bit farther than some it's only because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants." I guess, I'm giving a somewhat backhanded compliment to all those wrong diagnosticians....but to be fair this is not commonly seen in even a neurology practice....but when I read "around" the unnecessary informational rhetoric of your clinical presentation...I think there's only one logical diagnosis to put in FIRST place on the list of possibilities.....Of course, there are always options in SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH places....but in this case all those just happen to be Xerox'ed copies of #1! LOL!

BTW, good for you that you know of Occams Razor....I'm a bit lazy about shaving sometimes....but I do believe in the axiomatic analogy. So here's my brainchild that struck me as the most likely NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEM that you are possibly (probably?) suffering from.....

First of all, I'm raise the suspense a little bit longer....the mass that PROLAPSED from the anus was the anus going "inside out"...don't worry too much about it...unfortunately, many people (men and women) get a little concerned when that little "ball" pops out for the first time....kind of wish parents would give their kids a heads up as to one of the OTHER "facts of life" when we get old enough and have incompetent enough anorectal walls or really massively strain for some reason...Boop...prolapse of the anus! LOL....but heck, come to think of it....I haven't even warned my kids yet...and they're in their 20's....I better put that down on a TO DO LIST.

So, your symptoms? Everything is consistent with a PERINEAL NEUROPATHY WITH a neuritic/neuralgic set of components. Let's talk about the difference between a NEURITIS and a NEURALGIA. Neuralgic pain by definition is SHORT duration (seconds) while a NEURITIC PAIN is LONG duration (minutes to hours...or even continuous). Notice the SPELLING....Not of medicine's terrible choices of names....not the only about the INNOMINATE VEIN? Using a word 10 letters long for a name you can't even frickin' think of? SHEESH!!

PERINEAL NEUROPATHY with a NEURALGIC/NEURITIC COMPONENT.... I think young should see a neurologist (guy like me)....tell the story again, without all of the extra stuff on how many unnecessary rounds of antibiotics you were told to take....thank goodness someone didn't decide to just do an exploratory laparotomy on you! Could've happened.

You need to see a neurologist, tell the story, and then, get an EMG/NCV test....The PUDENDAL NERVE and branches are involved in this disorder usually some type of injury, traction, or other irritative factor. It ain't an infection so leave the antibiotics're just going to develop a dang superinfection or resistance when you really need them.... Prolapse of the anus is a risk to this connection and it sounds like you may have had that, right? The electrical studies I mentioned to you the EMG/NCV are very helpful and relatively sensitive to this sort of problem when they can identify slowed or blocked conduction in the pudendal nerves. No need to do very many other tests right now or lab work until you get a neurology consultation. A physical examination can certainly be very helpful before getting tested but really a good electromyographer will know what to look for and which muscles to test to make the diagnosis.

Once that's established then, physiotherapy, medication regimens, and if all else fails, surgery can be discussed. Most of the time CONSERVATIVE approaches do work and things work out...WORD!

If I've provided useful and helpful information to your questions could you do me a huge favor by CLOSING THE QUERY and be sure to include some fine words of feedback along with a 5 STAR rating if you feel so inclined? Again, many thanks for submitting your inquiry and please let me know how things turn out.

Do not forget to contact me in the future at: for additional questions, comments, or concerns having to do with this topic or others. I'm also very interested in knowing how things turn out for you if you get any testing or evaluations done so drop me a line young lady. :0

This query has utilized a total of 60 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by Dr. Dariush Saghafi (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
I'm very surprised that nobody thought of sending to a NEUROLOGIST

Detailed Answer:
I'm not going to rehash everything you talked about that didn't work or the thought processes behind diagnoses that simply didn't pan out....because:

1. The treatments didn't work
2. THEREFORE, ERGO, and AS A RESULT- The diagnoses are not accurate. And I don't think I'd approach that reality by simply repeating failed treatments....make sense?

But I suppose what I'm going to suggest is easy now that everything else has been tried, right? You ever heard of the saying that someone of repute once made into a nice poster on some college kid's wall? "If I've had the opportunity to see a bit farther than some it's only because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants." I guess, I'm giving a somewhat backhanded compliment to all those wrong diagnosticians....but to be fair this is not commonly seen in even a neurology practice....but when I read "around" the unnecessary informational rhetoric of your clinical presentation...I think there's only one logical diagnosis to put in FIRST place on the list of possibilities.....Of course, there are always options in SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH places....but in this case all those just happen to be Xerox'ed copies of #1! LOL!

BTW, good for you that you know of Occams Razor....I'm a bit lazy about shaving sometimes....but I do believe in the axiomatic analogy. So here's my brainchild that struck me as the most likely NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEM that you are possibly (probably?) suffering from.....

First of all, I'm raise the suspense a little bit longer....the mass that PROLAPSED from the anus was the anus going "inside out"...don't worry too much about it...unfortunately, many people (men and women) get a little concerned when that little "ball" pops out for the first time....kind of wish parents would give their kids a heads up as to one of the OTHER "facts of life" when we get old enough and have incompetent enough anorectal walls or really massively strain for some reason...Boop...prolapse of the anus! LOL....but heck, come to think of it....I haven't even warned my kids yet...and they're in their 20's....I better put that down on a TO DO LIST.

So, your symptoms? Everything is consistent with a PERINEAL NEUROPATHY WITH a neuritic/neuralgic set of components. Let's talk about the difference between a NEURITIS and a NEURALGIA. Neuralgic pain by definition is SHORT duration (seconds) while a NEURITIC PAIN is LONG duration (minutes to hours...or even continuous). Notice the SPELLING....Not of medicine's terrible choices of names....not the only about the INNOMINATE VEIN? Using a word 10 letters long for a name you can't even frickin' think of? SHEESH!!

PERINEAL NEUROPATHY with a NEURALGIC/NEURITIC COMPONENT.... I think young should see a neurologist (guy like me)....tell the story again, without all of the extra stuff on how many unnecessary rounds of antibiotics you were told to take....thank goodness someone didn't decide to just do an exploratory laparotomy on you! Could've happened.

You need to see a neurologist, tell the story, and then, get an EMG/NCV test....The PUDENDAL NERVE and branches are involved in this disorder usually some type of injury, traction, or other irritative factor. It ain't an infection so leave the antibiotics're just going to develop a dang superinfection or resistance when you really need them.... Prolapse of the anus is a risk to this connection and it sounds like you may have had that, right? The electrical studies I mentioned to you the EMG/NCV are very helpful and relatively sensitive to this sort of problem when they can identify slowed or blocked conduction in the pudendal nerves. No need to do very many other tests right now or lab work until you get a neurology consultation. A physical examination can certainly be very helpful before getting tested but really a good electromyographer will know what to look for and which muscles to test to make the diagnosis.

Once that's established then, physiotherapy, medication regimens, and if all else fails, surgery can be discussed. Most of the time CONSERVATIVE approaches do work and things work out...WORD!

If I've provided useful and helpful information to your questions could you do me a huge favor by CLOSING THE QUERY and be sure to include some fine words of feedback along with a 5 STAR rating if you feel so inclined? Again, many thanks for submitting your inquiry and please let me know how things turn out.

Do not forget to contact me in the future at: for additional questions, comments, or concerns having to do with this topic or others. I'm also very interested in knowing how things turn out for you if you get any testing or evaluations done so drop me a line young lady. :0

This query has utilized a total of 60 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dariush Saghafi (39 hours later)
Thank you so much, you are the first one to pay attention to the part about the lump coming out my back/above crack. Everyone else acts like that was no big deal. So if I make an appointment with a neurologist, what are the main things I need to tell him, as to not have them repeat the whole antibiotics treatment again? Are there any main symptoms that I need to point out to them or anything specific I need to tell them. Thank you so much, for helping me. I soooo hope this can result in an answer and some sort of resolution because this is getting me really depressed, and down about life. Every morning I wake up and instantly get depressed. What are the treatments as far as medicine? Neurotin, Gabapenton? And what is done in the surgery? I have read about a Pudeneal Nerve block? God this seems so hopeless. Thank you again I do appreciate your response, I really do, bless do.
Follow up: Dr. Dariush Saghafi (0 minute later)
Thank you so much, you are the first one to pay attention to the part about the lump coming out my back/above crack. Everyone else acts like that was no big deal. So if I make an appointment with a neurologist, what are the main things I need to tell him, as to not have them repeat the whole antibiotics treatment again? Are there any main symptoms that I need to point out to them or anything specific I need to tell them. Thank you so much, for helping me. I soooo hope this can result in an answer and some sort of resolution because this is getting me really depressed, and down about life. Every morning I wake up and instantly get depressed. What are the treatments as far as medicine? Neurotin, Gabapenton? And what is done in the surgery? I have read about a Pudeneal Nerve block? God this seems so hopeless. Thank you again I do appreciate your response, I really do, bless do.
Answered by Dr. Dariush Saghafi (15 hours later)
Brief Answer:
A good neurologist won't typically prescribe antibiotics in this scenario

Detailed Answer:
I'm happy to hear that you found my comments helpful and thank you for the kind attention. Rule 1 of answering queries is to always try and address each concern in the question, no matter how unrelated it may seem.

Secondly, in my opinion a good neurologist should not need to be reminded that after 2 rounds of an antibiotic for a problem (which has not resolved anything) that a 3rd round would likely be as unproductive. I see this problem constantly when it comes to headache patients who come to me telling me they've been suffering from these "raging sinus headaches" for which they've received multiple rounds of antibiotics, steroids, Nettie pot flushes, fenestration surgeries, and they just don't go away.

It turns out those folks never really had sinus infections and they are really suffering from regular old garden variety migraine headaches that respond quite nicely and promptly to appropriate triptan therapy or prophylactic treatment using one of the standard fare lines of drugs.

Again, a good neurologist will recognize your story as being most consistent with a pudendal nerve or perineal region problem...especially if the doctor is an electromyographer or even neuromuscular type...really any neurologist in practice and remembering any little bit of their training days will hear the vignette and zoom toward that region of the body. Of course, the diagnosis should be confirmed with the right studies which would include an EMG/NCV study, possible imaging, but really the history and neurological examination should give the doctor a sufficient degree of suspicion so that the workup is tailored to a perineal pathology.

The other way is be certain of to come and visit us here in XXXXXXX OH where we have access to all sorts of smart and diligent people! LOL! Look, just print out what I've written and have it handy after you've read it a few times so you get the jist of things.....look up the anatomy if you'd like having to do with what the PERINEAL REGION looks like, what are the muscles and nerves that make up that area and what sorts of symptoms do people have when things go wrong down there. Read about the PUDENDAL NERVE since it is the one most commonly affected/injured.

And then, see what the neurologist recommends.....again, my feeling is that you won't have to say much more than your symptoms and how things have evolved for them to think in that direction. However, this still needs to be PROVEN (in my opinion) before treatments or interventions are implemented.

Treatments can range from conservative to rather aggressive. I really don't like blocks for any nerve unless there's no other option and conservative approaches with medications, therapy, stim devices, exercises, etc. have simply failed despite best efforts and HIGH COMPLIANCE on patients' parts....make sense? Blocks tend to be very transient in their longevity across the board and the injected materials contain other chemical substances aside from the actual analgesic medication which can damage tendons, muscles, nerves if not used properly. That's why people who get epidurals, facet injections, and other forms of spinal "shots" eventually complain of MORE pain that seems even less responsive to the next round of shots....simply based on ongoing destabilization of supporting material such as collagen networks and cartilaginous/tendinous structures that have become weakened due to the toxic effects of the same injections meant to relieve pain.

Tis a slippery slope one skis down when "shots" and "blocks" start coming into play....I believe things should start from the simple and get more complex if needed. Possible medications could be gabapentin (Neurontin is the brand name), pregabalin (Lyrica), nortriptyline (Pamelor), and there are others......

I agree that the condition is difficult to bear but a firm diagnosis in these situations seems to be THERAPEUTIC in and of itself because treatments and interventions (which could even involve AQUATHERAPY, ACUPUNCTURE, BIOFEEDBACK) are then, much more specifically tailored to the individual case and therefore, have a higher chance of sucessful outcome, right? And so, chin up...or perineum up (perhaps) in this case and be hopeful that a fresh look at this problem may very well lead you to some better results shortly.

BTW, I do know 1 heckuva a neurologist who specializes in autonomic dysfunction but he is an electrical specialist and has excellent training (I was his Chief back in the day! HAHA) who practices in XXXXXXX VA.....just in case XXXXXXX were too far a jog for you if you're having difficulties with finding someone local that can help you in a reasonable amount of time.

Once again if I've given you a bit more insight into your problems and you feel so inclined and have no further questions or comments...would you consider CLOSING THE QUERY and add just a few fine words of feedback along with a 5 STAR rating on the books? Much appreciated.

Do not forget to contact me in the future at: for additional questions, comments, or concerns having to do with this topic or others. And please drop me a line to let me know how things turn out if you get any testing or evaluations done. If you're interested in coming to beautiful XXXXXXX OH....and I really do mean we have a lovely town these days to visit this time of year....give us a ring at Parma Neurology (440.842.3816).

This query has utilized a total of 99 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by Dr. Dariush Saghafi (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
A good neurologist won't typically prescribe antibiotics in this scenario

Detailed Answer:
I'm happy to hear that you found my comments helpful and thank you for the kind attention. Rule 1 of answering queries is to always try and address each concern in the question, no matter how unrelated it may seem.

Secondly, in my opinion a good neurologist should not need to be reminded that after 2 rounds of an antibiotic for a problem (which has not resolved anything) that a 3rd round would likely be as unproductive. I see this problem constantly when it comes to headache patients who come to me telling me they've been suffering from these "raging sinus headaches" for which they've received multiple rounds of antibiotics, steroids, Nettie pot flushes, fenestration surgeries, and they just don't go away.

It turns out those folks never really had sinus infections and they are really suffering from regular old garden variety migraine headaches that respond quite nicely and promptly to appropriate triptan therapy or prophylactic treatment using one of the standard fare lines of drugs.

Again, a good neurologist will recognize your story as being most consistent with a pudendal nerve or perineal region problem...especially if the doctor is an electromyographer or even neuromuscular type...really any neurologist in practice and remembering any little bit of their training days will hear the vignette and zoom toward that region of the body. Of course, the diagnosis should be confirmed with the right studies which would include an EMG/NCV study, possible imaging, but really the history and neurological examination should give the doctor a sufficient degree of suspicion so that the workup is tailored to a perineal pathology.

The other way is be certain of to come and visit us here in XXXXXXX OH where we have access to all sorts of smart and diligent people! LOL! Look, just print out what I've written and have it handy after you've read it a few times so you get the jist of things.....look up the anatomy if you'd like having to do with what the PERINEAL REGION looks like, what are the muscles and nerves that make up that area and what sorts of symptoms do people have when things go wrong down there. Read about the PUDENDAL NERVE since it is the one most commonly affected/injured.

And then, see what the neurologist recommends.....again, my feeling is that you won't have to say much more than your symptoms and how things have evolved for them to think in that direction. However, this still needs to be PROVEN (in my opinion) before treatments or interventions are implemented.

Treatments can range from conservative to rather aggressive. I really don't like blocks for any nerve unless there's no other option and conservative approaches with medications, therapy, stim devices, exercises, etc. have simply failed despite best efforts and HIGH COMPLIANCE on patients' parts....make sense? Blocks tend to be very transient in their longevity across the board and the injected materials contain other chemical substances aside from the actual analgesic medication which can damage tendons, muscles, nerves if not used properly. That's why people who get epidurals, facet injections, and other forms of spinal "shots" eventually complain of MORE pain that seems even less responsive to the next round of shots....simply based on ongoing destabilization of supporting material such as collagen networks and cartilaginous/tendinous structures that have become weakened due to the toxic effects of the same injections meant to relieve pain.

Tis a slippery slope one skis down when "shots" and "blocks" start coming into play....I believe things should start from the simple and get more complex if needed. Possible medications could be gabapentin (Neurontin is the brand name), pregabalin (Lyrica), nortriptyline (Pamelor), and there are others......

I agree that the condition is difficult to bear but a firm diagnosis in these situations seems to be THERAPEUTIC in and of itself because treatments and interventions (which could even involve AQUATHERAPY, ACUPUNCTURE, BIOFEEDBACK) are then, much more specifically tailored to the individual case and therefore, have a higher chance of sucessful outcome, right? And so, chin up...or perineum up (perhaps) in this case and be hopeful that a fresh look at this problem may very well lead you to some better results shortly.

BTW, I do know 1 heckuva a neurologist who specializes in autonomic dysfunction but he is an electrical specialist and has excellent training (I was his Chief back in the day! HAHA) who practices in XXXXXXX VA.....just in case XXXXXXX were too far a jog for you if you're having difficulties with finding someone local that can help you in a reasonable amount of time.

Once again if I've given you a bit more insight into your problems and you feel so inclined and have no further questions or comments...would you consider CLOSING THE QUERY and add just a few fine words of feedback along with a 5 STAR rating on the books? Much appreciated.

Do not forget to contact me in the future at: for additional questions, comments, or concerns having to do with this topic or others. And please drop me a line to let me know how things turn out if you get any testing or evaluations done. If you're interested in coming to beautiful XXXXXXX OH....and I really do mean we have a lovely town these days to visit this time of year....give us a ring at Parma Neurology (440.842.3816).

This query has utilized a total of 99 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dariush Saghafi


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February 2019 Till Now. -Legs Started Feeling Tired, At Night,

February 2019 till now. -Legs started feeling tired, at night, like I had ran a marathon all day. -Then I started having a pinching swollen feeling between my legs (perineum area) and thought it may be a UTI or a light prostate infection. -I went to the immediate care and they prescribed me Doxycycline for a week (500mg twice daily) No improvement -Went to my regular family doctor, he put me on Augmentin 500mg once daily for a week (No improvement) -Went to the ER with increased pressure in the perineum are and anus. Also having spasms in my anus. They did a CT (w/contrast) lower abdomen. Did not see anything that would be causing this. Prostate check (digital) no sign of swollen or enlarged prostate. -Went back to my family doctor and he put me on prednisone taper, and another round of Augmentin. (No improvement) -had a MRI of the lower L Spine. (Came back normal) -Sent to Urologist, he examined testicles, said he didn’t think it was urological and put me on flomax, (No improvement) -Visited the ER two more times with no findings of anything that would be causing this pain. -***on a work day I had to go to the bathroom really bad with my stomach hurting really bad. I went to the bathroom and when I strained to have the bowel movement, a lump popped up right above my crack in my back when I pushed…I had to quickly straighten out (practically laying back on the toilet) and take my hand and push the lump back in, when I did, I feel the bowel move down and then out of my anus. (This hurt pretty bad) -Then visited Gastrointestinal doctor. She upon digit prostate check, she hit a spot (towards my back) that made me almost come off the table. She thought that the antibiotics given were not string enough and that the CT scan may have missed and abscess in my anus wall. She placed me on two weeks of Augmentin 875 three times a day along with another prednisone pack) (No improvement) -I continued to have pain. Then I started noticing that some of the pain I was having was simply my underwear and clothes touching my skin…like a Hyperalgeasia. So considering that I have HVS2 and have had opthamalic herpes zoster before (eye) I went back to my family doctor who had literally said laughing…”I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.” I asked would he consider or did he think the diagnosis of herpes zoster in my spine was worth while? So he put me on Valtrex 3 times daily (1 Gram) and another long taper prednisone pack. With absolutely no improvement. The latest…. -The viceral hyperalgesia in the hip/torso area has subsided just a little. (Not much, but a little). I have been trying to pay very close attention to my body as well as my habits. I noticed that if I eat a big solid meal, it seems to aggravate the inside of me, like I can feel a hypersensitivity to the food being digested especially when it moves to the colon area at the end of digestion. Right above my left butt cheek. There is a very tender spot upon palpation or pressing with a digit there. It is so tender it feels like if I pressed hard enough I would pass out from the pain. -Standing without a doubt makes it worse. Even sitting upright aggravates it, but laying down on my stomach flat will alleviate the pain almost all the way, but the second I stand up, Its starts hurting again. -The pain is a pain that seems to be inside me. By that I mean inside (organ wise) It does not seem to be structural or a nerve or skeletal. I say that because I am physically able to do anything, jumping jacks, stretches, etc, without any further aggravation. It just hurts the same no matter what, unless I am laying down either flat on my stomach or on my right side. The main source of the pain is right above my above butt cheek to the left of my spine. I have severe hyperalgeasia in that area. When I stand the pain becomes almost unbearable in that area, but it’s not sharp like a kidney stone, it’s like someone has me against the wall (face first) with a rounded broom stick handle in that area..pushing on it. I have never had any nerve problems so I can’t say whether or not it feels like a nerve problem. As I stand it will worsen to the point I will HAVE to lay down. This time period seems to be getting shorter and shorter as time goes on. -Nothing relieves the pain, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Hydrocodone, nothing. I have been to a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and neither seems to help. Of course the chiro wants to blame it on misalignment and have me keep coming back. Interesting enough, the chiropractor adjusting me does not seem to make it hurt when he is doing it, nor afterwards, just kind of mute affect. -I have taken hot sitz baths, used numbing cream for the hyperalgesia, but it doesnt really do anything. -I have had no accidents or falls or anything rough like that to cause this. I have changed my diet back and forth to see if this affected it in anyway, and it doesn’t seem to be a factor. -PAIN DESCRIPTION: The pain in that one spot feels like it is burning and like someone has a broom handle pressing into it. Moving anyway doesn’t seem to aggravate it, but standing in general does. Sitting does also cause it to worsen or aggravate it, but not like standing. That pain I was first talking about in my legs increases substantially when standing. It feels like the outer bands of my legs are on fire or like the muscles are inflamed, but none of the anti-inflammatory seems to help at all. This is definitely constant. It feels like my muscles or tendons are rubbing against the bone and have worn a groove in them right under my butt where my leg meets. It also hurts the same but not as intense in the front of my legs (to the left and right of my groin) where the legs meet my abdomen -Whenever I have to pee, the feeling in my bladder is very bad…another words it is quite a bit more intense than normal when I have to pee bad. It is hard to initiate an dit just kind of dribbles and never feels like its quite empty. -my ejaculations cause SEVERE PAIN. Not while they are happening although it is quite different than normal. It feels like my penis is blocked and is pumping extra hard to ejaculate. About 15 minutes after ejaculation, I get a bad swollen, pressure/burning constant pain down there for about the next two days. This is very painful and has almost ruined my sex life. -This has been going on for about 6 months now or more. I beginning to feel very hopeless and even though I love life more than the average person, I will admit, I have thought about taking my own life. I have even googled ways to do it that would be painless or near painless. I have a 7 yr old daughter and a 16 year old son, and a girlfriend that I have been seeing for 7 years now. I do NOT want to die, nor do I want to take my own life. But I can’t keep living like this, it is every second of the day. I can no longer work like I used to, I can’t hardly even think the pain is so constant and severe. -last thing I want to mention, and I haven’t mentioned it to the doctors, because it’s something we have done for years now, but my gf and I have sex toys, not anything crazy like S&M, or pain. But she has a vibrator of hers that occasionally she will use on me. The last time we have done anything like that, was probably back in February. I don’t really recall any situation where there was an incident of severe pain or anything like that. I do remember one time, I felt a little numb afterwards, but nothing alarming. It’s not something you want to tell everyone, but at this point, shame is tolerable if anyone thinks it’s a possible cause. If I could have hit something in there and damaged it. I am a very skinny guy (6ft tall and was about 155 lbs) but lately I have dropped to around 143lbs. I don’t eat a lot, I usually eat once maybe twice a day, usually a late lunch or dinner. The vibrator she has is about 6 inches, it’s not a strap on or anything like that, she just does it with her hand to bring me to ejaculation. But I wanted to mention that here so it could be a part of the diagnosis. Our sex life in general has cut way back just due to the painful aftermath of the ejaculations. -All the doctors I see just act like it’s nothing. they try to get in, and out as quick as humanly possible. They seem to want to match it up with the most common thing. I think at this point we can agree that this is not you typical situation. I understand Occams Razor Theory and the logistics behind it, but after rounds and rounds of antibiotics and prednisone and no pain relief even with narcotics, I am beginning to feel desperate and hopeless. Please HELP. I am in a very very bad way right now and need help badly. I don’t know what else to do.