Brief Answer:
Some more information please.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
chills & shaking is an attempt of body to fight off infection & is followed by
Chill with shaking without temperature is due to attempt of body to bring body temperature to normal, when it had fallen down due to some cause. It’s natural that you are anxious to help XXXXXXX & avoid it in future.
Please provide me following information, so that I can suggest some possibilities & management.
-Was she exposed to
cold before the episode?
-Was it only once? Or repeated?
-How long did it remain?
- Was it after 4-6 hours after exposure to an allergen?
- Is she over weight/lean & thin? She has swelling of
thyroid gland?
- Is she weak & pale? (Anemic)
- Did it follow tension,
stress, and depression? Is she a composed personality or a hot tempered? Do you observe change in her temperament these days?
- Did she have associated symptoms like digestive problem, swollen face, swelling over legs, Urine problem, and palpitation? Is there any other infection in body?
- Any thing else you have noted?
I am waiting for the information, so as to help you further.
Thank you.