Feeling Lightheaded, Sore Throat, Fever, Weakness, Joint Pain And Throat Congestion. What's Wrong?
Welcome to Healthcare Magic and thank you for writing to us.
The multiple symptoms of flu-like illness (sore throat, fever, chills) and then fatigue, muscle aches and joint pains sounds like a post-viral syndrome of chronic fatigue type. Lyme disease or lyme borreliosis can persist if inadequately treated at the first instance with development of chronic and severe symptoms.
Polyneuropathy (shooting pains in the legs or tingling in the hands), profound fatigue, depression, fibromyagia are features of chronic (late) disseminated infection. Three levels of testing exist depending on the type of symptoms. (1) ELISA test - as it is sensitive (but controversy exists); (2) Western blot - that detects active disease IgM ; (3) PCR that detects genetic material of the organism. Specimens required are either blood by venipuncture, or CSF from spine.
If IgG tests are negative, then the diagnosis is difficult. High titres of IgG or IgM against borrelia are more in favour of disease.
In conclusion, your symptoms could be a recurrence of Lyme disease especially if there is history of travel to endemic areas, or a post viral fatigue.
Chronic fatigue syndrome needs to be dealt by physicians experienced in CFS, but also when all tests have excluded another cause. Tests such as full blood count, liver function tests, eletrolytes, renal profile, XXXXXXX infectious disease serology, RF, IgG IgA IgM levels (immunoglobulin levels), CMV/HSV/EBV IgG are minimum tests to start excluding known causes.
I hope that helps.
Best Wishes.
The immune system takes a bit of time in generating antibodies against infectious agents which why tests differ depending of time frame, as well as the symptoms that you get from the particular agent.
CT is probably the highest on the list of susceptible areas.
See: WWW.WWWW.WW Please get the blood test, even though it was negative a few months ago, and hopefully things will turn out different and this will pass.
Best Wishes.