Feeling Muscles Pulling In Legs. Feel Pressure. What To Do?
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It would be necessary to precise a few things. For how long have you been having these sensations?Did you do any exercise, excess walk before having this feeling? Have you noticed any features or situations that trigger these symptoms? Any alleviating factors?
This sensation could be simply cramps or some XXXXXXX muscle inflammation. Any notion of fever or trauma ?
A simple clinical evaluation coupled with a few tests should be sufficient. Commonest cause of cramps is low levels of blood Calcium and Vitamin D. Low levels of Magnesium could have a similar presentation. Controlling blood levels of these markers could be helpful. Secondly, a physical examination and a complete
neurological assessment could be helpful. Rare conditions like XXXXXXX muscle abscesses called myositis, autoimmune diseases, trauma or simple strain from an intense walk or exercise in persons who had spent much time without engaging in such activities could explain all these. Assuming an unusual situation or posture for a long time could give such a sensation too.
I suggest your primary care physician for a complete clinical review. Paraclinical examinations shall depend on clinical findings. Thanks and hope this helps. Do feel free asking further questions in case you need further clarifications or you got more details. Thanks and kind regards.
Bain LE, MD.