Feeling Nausea, Light Headed And Fatigued. Diagnosed With Chronic Constipation. What Is The Problem?
P.S. Tomorrow I will be getting a complete blood work done, and have a follow up appointment with my family doctor next Friday.
Thanks for writing to us.
Given your complaints, it does sound suggestive of acute appendicitis. This is typically characterized by pain is in mid-abdomen and later shifts to right lower quadrant. This is accompanied by fever, tenderness, and the white blood count will rise. When in doubt, the treating doctor generally repeats the physical examination again - any mass or rigidity needs early and extensive work-up
A CT scan nearly normal practically excludes many significant problems.
The twinge in the chest and throbbing in the temple are very likely not related to the event - the pain and tension could also be responsible
It is right that browsing the web could scare - neither many sites are officially approved nor the information censored. Also, they would like to cover every possibility to suit everybody....
Relax! It is already ten days now - no complications over the duration is itself reassuring.
The only way for proper assessment and assistance will be to be in constant touch with the treating physician or surgeon. A second opinion by another internist is also a good option.
It is physical examination / repeat examination that is important under the circumstances
Good luck