Feeling Tired And Dizzy. Taking Lisinopril. What Can Be Done?
It s might be necessary to quantify the degree of tiredness. If its daily, whether its very intense or not, and the particular circumstances. Associated symptoms like breathlessness or tiredness with effort are important to be considered.
However, with a past history of hypertension and diabetes, commonest causes of tiredness could be onset of heart failure, anemia from kidney disease or anemia from other causes.
A clinical reevaluation with a good chest X XXXXXXX Cardiac ultrasound, EKG and an abdominal ultrasound for kidney size is important. Complete blood count to diagnose and characterize anemia if present coupled with kidney function tests and an electrolyte panel (especially for Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium levels is fundamentally important).
The results of these tests shall justify if further testing to search for other pathologies are required or not.
Having an optimum blood pressure and glucose control is important. Glycated hemoglobin measurements should be done to ascertain appropriate glucose follow up. Life style modifications with exercise, low salt intake, vegetable and fruit XXXXXXX diet and enough rest.
I do suggest you consult your internist/cardiologist for a proper clinical review and management. Kind regards and hope this helps. Feel free asking further questions if need be.
Kind regards as I wish him good health.
Bain LE, MD.