Feeling Weakness To Go For A Stress Test. Is There Any Alternative?
Thanks for writing.
I am a qualified and certified cardiologist. I read your question with diligence.
No problem there is more than one alternative.
What is done in stress test you are asked to perform a treadmill exercise so as to raise your BP and Heart Rate. If you multiply maximum heart rate with maximum BP achieved it is called rate pressure product. Normally, depending upon your age Target Heart Rate is chosen, it is 220- Age that is 166 in you. Same rate can be be obtained by pharmacological means and you can under go either of the two tests:
1. Pharmacological (Dobutamine) Stress echo. or
2 Pharmacological (Adenosidne or Dobutamine) Stress myocardial imaging using
either Thallium 201 or Systamibi
It is between you and your doctor what he prefers, in my opinion both have almost equal sensitivity and specificity. If you have any question, I shall be happy to answer to. Regards
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
Medical Specialist & Cardiologist
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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