Found Painful Lump Between Groin Area And Leg. What Could It Be?
i have a long tubular lump around 6cm long.The lump started a small finger nail size discovered a week ago now it seems to have spread like a tube slightly tender to touch. the lump is on my right hand side groin going down what seems to be the seam where my groin and leg is
It isn't possible to diagnose your condition without an examination, but it sounds like the inguinal lymph nodes on your right side are reacting to some sort of inflammatory process. The region you've described is a bit too low for an inguinal hernia, which is another possible cause of groin swelling.
The nodes in the inguinal area drain your foot, leg, lower abdominal wall and genitals, so any infection, injury or inflammation in these structures could account for your symptoms. For example, if you have a wound on your leg or foot, an infection on the skin of your lower abdomen, or a sexually transmitted disease, your inguinal nodes could swell and become tender.
Certain systemic conditions can trigger swelling in your inguinal nodes, too. Lymphoma, autoimmune diseases (lupus, sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), HIV infection, tuberculosis or infectious mononucleosis can cause inguinal lymph node swelling.
I suggest you see your doctor to confirm that the swelling in your groin is, indeed, due to reactive inguinal lymph nodes, to determine the source of inflammation and to begin appropriate treatment (if any is necessary). If your physician can't immediately identify the underlying cause, he/she may order some blood tests and an ultrasound of the involved nodes.
I hope that answers your question. I'll be available if you have additional concerns.
Good luck!