Frequent Bowel Movements, Painful Gas, Churning Sounds In Stomach, Bloating. Could This Be Yeast?
I would like to add that I have now had 2 weeks of frequent bowel movements(3-4x daily) used to be 1-2 times daily. Also the stool does not float at all. This is accompanied by night time painful gas. Also I have had loud churning sounds in my stomache that occur at random times. The concern I have is that these symptoms are also present in my wife. What could this be?
Yeast etc?
One more thing, on two different occasions I drank a beer and my stomache instantly became bloated and I had painfull gas the occurred almost immediately after consumption of the beer.
My privious question on this site :
Hello, I received unprotected oral sex from a man and the following day I starting to have pain that would throb on the tip of my penis. This pain would only last about a second or two and come and go. About 3 weeks later my right testicle had swelling on it.
I went to my GP at 1 month after exposure and was negative for Gohnorea, syphilus, chlamydia, hiv, both hepatitis b and c along with Herpes 1/2.
I received an ultrasound that showed a small cyst on my left testicle.
I have since had HIV DNA/PCR at 34 days
HIV elisa wb at 100 days
hep b anitgen at 16 weeks
hep c antibody at 16 weeks
syphillis also at 16 weeks
All the tests were negative, however, my stomach has recently begun to make a churning sound on a regular basis, along with more frequent and loser stools on a daily basis(sometimes 3x per day)
is there anything Im missing that should have been tested for or could it just be IBS? .
Welcome to the foum. Thanks for your question.
No STD (or any other infection) is likely to cause symptoms sooner than 2 days after exposure; pain the next day almost certainly isn't an infection from the exposure described. In addition, there is no STD known to cause pain that comes and goes in the manner you describe. My guess is your GP recommended the STD tests mostly for reassurance, not because s/he really suspected you had an STD. (And for sure you could not have acquired hepatitis or HIV.) Had any of your tests returned positive, I would suspect a coincidence -- i.e. not from the oral event and not related to your symptoms.
I have no comment on IBS or other possible explanations for your symptoms, but I am 100% confident you have no STD. Continue to work with your doctor if the symptoms continue or you otherwise remain concerned.
Best wishes-- HHH, MD
Follow-up Question:
Thank you for the response. The doctor did do a swab of my urethra for trychamosis? And did a urinanlysis for bacteria. Both were negative at 1 month. Does this mean I am also clear for NGU? I know you said no STDs but I failed to mention NGU in my question, sorry for the continued questions, but I just want to clear STDs from my mind.
Follow-up Answer:
The symptoms of NGU are discharge of mucus or pus from the penis, sometimes with minor discomfort on urination -- but not pain like you have had. Anyway, NGU not caused by chlamydia is generally an inconvience, not a serious condition, certainly nothing to be worried about at this point. Finally, trichomonas can't be acquired by oral sex and also would not cause such symptoms.
Follow-up Question:
Thank you. I can finally breath easy! I appreciate your quick response. It has been a long 5 months...
Recent change in the stool consistency and frequency associated with flatulence & borborgymi (abdominal noises) would indicate an intestinal inflammation with Mal-absorption. Now this could be because of infective or inflammatory causes.
The occurrence of symptoms in both of you is likely to suggest an infective cause as both of you share the same environment but have different genes.
This is unlikely to indicate an STD unless it is an after effect of immunosupression.
I would suggest you to get a stool routine examination on 3 consecutive days, a quantitative CRP, and a fasting TSH.
Meanwhile I would suggest a milk free diet for 2 weeks, some probiotics, fibres and zinc containing multivitamin (at least 40mg of zinc a day).