Get Pinching Feeling In Penis During Ejaculation. Cause?
When I ejaculate I get this pinching feeling in the inside of my penis in between the circumcision line and tip of the penis. My question is what causes this? It does not burn when I urinate or pinch when urination, .just the pinching feeling when ejaculating.
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Thanks for posting your query.
How long you are having this problem? Can you a bit elaborate your sexual activities?
It may be due to prostatitis (infection of prostate,an accessory reproductive gland) or infection somewhere in the reproductive gland. Examination of your semen for the presence of pus cells and a prostatic massage fluid will help to fix the diagnosis. Culture and sensitivity test in semen and prostatic fluid sometimes may be necessary.
If everything is normal you can ignore such sensation of pinching during ejaculation. Prolong abstinence from all sorts of sexual activity also sometimes produce such symptoms. Regular sexual outlet will relieve the symptom.
Consult your physician, he/she will guide you properly.
Get well soon.
Dr S.Murugan
Would u like pictures of rashes?
I've had colonoscopy and blood work done all good, gonorrea clamydia HIV syphilis testing all negative...I just recently had a hsv serology completed and awaiting for results.
Welcome back.
All your symptoms were not related to STD and your test for STDs were also negative, just forget about STDs.
Still there is no harm in doing a semen examination and a prostatic massage with a culture and sensitivity test. If they were also not rewarding for the diagnosis just ignore your problem. It will be alright after sometime.
Red itchy rashes, pustules, fatigue, sinus infection, itchy eyes,abdomen pain and loose stools, all may be due to some allergic manifestation.
If you present all your problem to your physician and he will work out with investigations and fix the cause of your problem.
Sometimes obsession, anxiety and phobia also may likely to manifest with these symptoms.
Your physician will take care of these things and you have to follow his/her advice in this regards.
Dr S.Murugan