Getting Abdominal Pain And Tingling Sensation All Over Body. Medical Test Normal. What's Wrong?
I also forgot to mention that everything tends but not always happen on the left side. I know this screams heart issues but like I mentioned I have tested for that and everything checks back normal.
You have mentioned that you have undergone detailed investigations including blood tests, X XXXXXXX CAT scan and a cardiac evaluation, including ECGs and all tests have so far been normal.
I would suggest that you can have a detailed neurological examination to check if this problem of tingling could be due to a neurological cause. But in your case, this seems unlikely since your CAT scan is normal and since you dont seem to have any specific neurological signs. I also wish to state that there is a likelihood that your symptoms could be anxiety-related also. Now, it is important to remember an anxiety disorder can manifest itself with not only psychological symptoms, but with physical symptoms also. Tingling, sensation of pins and needles, muscle tightness, etc. are symptoms which are commonly seen in anxiety disorders. Now, this does NOT mean that 'everything is in your head' and that you are simply imagining the symptoms. Not at all. It has been found that anxiety disorders are associated with certain neuro-chemical imbalance in the brain and this can cause the person's pain threshold to get lowered and he / she can become 'hypersensitive' to sensory stimuli, and therefore have tingling, burning, etc. The underlying anxiety also causes a person to become more worried as to why his / her problems are undiagnosed after multiple tests, and then this worry / anxiety itself then starts worsening the symptoms more. Soon this becomes a viscious cycle, leaving the person with more symptoms and suffering.
Caffeine is well known to produce or worsen anxiety disorders and this may be the reason why your symptoms are getting worse after coffee intake. Rapid loss of weight is also one of the factors known to anxiety. Your symptoms such as breathing difficulty, choking sensetion in the throat and difficulty in breathing, along with a fear that you may be having a heart attack could also very well be symptoms of panic / anxiety.
So, I would suggest that you first have a first have a neurological examination done to rule out any possible neurological problems. If that too is negative, then it would be a good idea to consult a psychiatrist for a detailed psychological assessment and further management.
Wish you all the best.
- Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Psychiatrist
I guess you mean C4, C5, C6, since those are the spinal vertebrae found in the neck. Well, if this cervical spine problem is causing tingling or sharp pain over the neck and arms (since the C4, 5, 6 nerves supply those areas only). But that cannot account for the tingling sensations over the whole body.
It would be a good idea anyway to work on proper positioning of your spine and body and if it has given you benefits before, there's no harm in trying chiropactic therapy.
Wish you all the best.
- Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Psychiatrist