Getting Allergy After Taking Ritalin And Concerta. Missing Periods. What Is Going On?
Thanks for the query.
mirena can cause some side effects like menstrual irregularities that may be reason for inter menstrual bleed after intercourse,
it can also delay periods and some may experience even stoppage of periods for few months,
vaginal infection like thrush can also occur because of rare side effect of mirena,
as you had intercourse during the first day of periods when the local immunity will be less that may also be one reason for the infection.
the drugs you are taken are not directly noted as having drug interaction with mirena but ritalin which contains methylphenidate can induce liver enzymes that can affect the efficacy of mirena. and also as there is around 1% failure rate for mirena though less the possibility of pregnancy cannot be ruled out,
so you better consult gynecologist once and get physical examination to note the type of discharge if needed you can go for culture and sensitivity of the swab from discharge,
take one blood test for pregnancy, if comes negative you can take treatment for vaginal infection,
periods usually come soon, if not you can take tablets for withdrawal if problem repeats think of changing the contraceptive method.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.
as I told the chances of pregnancy are less if at all happens possibly it will be because of intercourse after your period because at that time there is possibility for ovulation,
during period it is highly unlikely, but as you are on hormonal contraception that can cause menstrual irregularities so if your bleeding was post ovulatory bleeding instead of regular period bleeding then there is chance of pregnancy because of that act.
Wish you Good Health, If you are satisfied with my response please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.