Getting Tingling Sensation On Foot. All Medical Test Normal Except Elevated VitD3 Level. Concerned
Recently my doctor ordered the wrong vit d test and ordered the vit d
1, 25 dihydroxy instead. This came back very elevated at 99 as on repeat was even higher. My calcium is ok at 9.7. My phosphorus is normal too. I went for a ct scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis and that was normal. Didnt show TB or
Sarcoidosis or swollen lymphs. All of my auto immune has come back normal. Esr, sed normal. Cbc normal. My regular vit d is 36. My parathyroid was at 55. Lab high is 65. I had a normal thyroid scan.
I feel very anxious
(Although have a history of panic). My reflexes have always been jumpy but I feel like more now. Also some tingles in toes on one foot and warm feeling on one leg on occasion.
Do you have any insight or could these vit d Levels mean nothing? I feel ok otherwise.
What else should I do? I know they can signify auto immune and others... Have you ever seen this?
I am not sure if the tingling in one foot and warm feeling on a leg is related to this or that i have been in a state of panic. I reveng started Zoloft and when I take Klonopin and alleve these symptoms are mostly relieved so I am not sure if that means anything.
When you say but vit d 3, are you referring to the dihydroxy version?
This test was run as a mistake so it's seems my drs are not as familiar w it.
Thank you
Yes, the repeat test at 120 is high. However, I am unsure as to what the actual report is and is in what units. It would be better if you can upload the report. You have a feature to upload the report by yourself on the right side of this query page. You may want to utilize it.
As such, Lyme disease has no relation with Vitamin D3 levels. Research is still on in this area and yet to be concluded.
I do not think it is a good idea for you to obsess about syphilis and Lyme.
The tingling and warm feeling is likely due to the panic. Please continue to take your medications as they are helping you.
Yes, Vit D3 is the dihydroxy version.
Hope this helps you.