Going For Pregnancy Scanning. Is Sonography The Same?
My wife is pregnant (107 days since LMP).
I just got to know that we need to get it scanned (a detailed scanning) once 3 months are over.
As its already more than 3 months now, i am planning to take her to the doctor for scanning. Just want to know if it is different from sonography or it is the same?
If it is different, could you please let me know the name of the scan to be done after 3 months?
Heard its very important at this stage and it should be a detailed study on the growth of the child. Kindly assist.
I am not sure, if her doctor knows this. Its actually a small clinic with scanning facility.
Thanks and br, XXXXXXX
Welcome to XXXXXXX
As fetus is developing inside Uterus, we want to check, whether it is growing normally or not. Thus a detailed scanning is required at this stage.
During this scan position of placenta & amount of amniotic fluid is determined, and growth is measured. Each part of body is scanned with special attention to Limbs, Brain, Face, Heart, Stomach, Spines, kidney and bowel.
This scan is important as it is done to find out anomalies.
If any abnormality is detected, parents can discuss it with Doctor/Fetologist to take treatment/decisions accordingly.
It is not different from Sonography.
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