Green Pus Oozing From Earring Hole. Cure?
Thanks for posting your query.
Pus anywhere in body indicates infection and inflammation of the tissue.
Greenish pus is more often seen in bacterial infections like pseudomonas which might need early treatment in the form of antibiotics .
I understand that you do not have any pain or swelling or any history of trauma or complaints in the earring hole but please do not neglect the purulent discharge and it would be best to consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and start appropriate treatment .
Meanwhile you can try to prevent further complications by ,
1. Keeping the area clean with antiseptic solution and dry with antibiotic powder like neosporin .
2. Keep the region open to air and avoid enclosing it in bandage , avoiding pressing it or handling with unclean hands.
3. If there is any antibiotic ointment like mupirocin or fusidic acid available with you then apply it thrice daily for faster healing .
If there is any swelling , pain or bleeding please consult your doctor promptly for drainage of pus and antibiotic therapy.
Hope that answers your query.
I'll be available for any follow up queries.