Habit Of Masturbating. Erection Feels Weak And Thin Semen. Worried After Marriage. Remedy?
Masturbation is a natural and normal sexual behavior and a form of sexual pleasure that generally lasts throughout a person's lifetime especially in most men. Masturbation becomes an abnormal symptom only when it becomes a compulsion beyond a person's willful control. Then, it becomes a disturbing symptom, not because it is sexual, but because it is compulsive.
Rapid masturbation can lead to rapid ejaculation when aroused. Which is most likely cause of your current problem.
This is also sometimes called as premature ejaculation which is a sexual dysfunction and is treated with sex therapy. These are some simple exercises that will be taught and asked to practice to gradually change the habit that you have formed and the subsequent problem.
Yes it is understandable that you are apprehensive about marriage since you have this problem. There are techniques to tackle this as well. There is no need to be so depressed about it. You can try to overcome it and have a good married life.
When you visit a therapist, you will first be assessed in detail. You may expect questions to be asked, like method used to masturbate, accompanying fantasies, frequency etc. With this information the therapist will formulate therapy sessions where you will be given some exercises to complete and there will be gradual progress.
In the mean while you can try some relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to reduce apprehension.
Ayurvedic medication may help you to build up your general health and less likely to solve the current problem.
Hope this helps,
Do write back in case of any more questions,
Dr. A. Rao. Kavoor