Had A Dilation And Curettage And Novasure Procedure. Started Bleeding, Having Pain In Leg And Having Black Discharge. What To Do?
Could be normal or pelvic infection
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for choosing XXXXXXX Small amount of bloody discharge is quite common after Novasure procedure. Its a minor side effect, this can go for some weeks to 1 or 2 months. Again some amount of pain will be there, for which you can take below mentioned drugs.
For bleeding you can take Mefenamic acid tablets along with Ethamsylate and for pain abdomen you can take NSAIDs(Ibuprofen tablets for dose and prescription kindly consult your doctor.
Pain abdomen radiating to right can also be a sign of pelvic infection(lower abdomen) kindly consult your doctor whether to take antibiotics or not. Because it is be decided after examining you.
Kindly get alarmed if you have:
fever >100.4 F
worsening / severe pain abdomen/ nausea & vomitting/ diarrohoea not getting releived by medication
green vaginal discharge
Novasure is not a contraceptive procedure, kindly consult your doctor for any method which suits you.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups. If you like my answers kindly rate it, and write a review as well. Please do not forget to accept it.
Thank you,
Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
You can consult me again directly through my profile
Endometrial ablation failure
Detailed Answer:
Sorry I misinterpreted 2012 as 2013... After analyzing your query, you need to undergo a scan pelvis to know the uterus size, any endometrial(Inner lining of uterus) pathology and endometrial thickness. After endometrial ablation we usually expect gradual decrease in bleeding and slowly going for amenorrhoea. But in your case there might be some pathology in uterus or ovary or cervix to cause this problem. Yes In your case I feel its ablation failure.
If the scan or examination shows any abnormality I suggest you to undergo hysterectomy, than conserve the uterus.
Chronic lower abdominal pain can be due to pelvic infection, which needs to be ruled out.
Again hysterectomy is the answer for chronic pelvic pain.
If you do not have any further clarification you can close the discussion. Kindly rate & review my answer. Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
You can consult me again directly through my profile