Had A Radical Cystectomy For Bladder Cancer. What Treatment Should Be Taken For Small-Bowel Obstruction?
Thanks for writing in.
Your mother has various surgical issues which are causing complications.
Radical surgery, radiotherapy, and multiple surgical procedures has caused extensive adgesions in the peritoneal cavity. The adhesions caused by cancer therapy are very dense. Any heroic attempt by the surgeon would cause more harm than good to the patient.
I would suggest
1. Continue with TPN as when required.
2. Conservative approach to intermittent bouts of bowel obstruction provided the episode does not get complicated by strangulation.
3. The attending doctors are justified in their conservative approach to the patient.
4. A liquid diet would be preferable for a long time as this would reduce significantly the chances of the patient going into acute obstruction.
5. Monitoring of blood levels of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and trace elementsinorder to detect deficiencies and therby correct them promptly.
5. Avoid effervescent drinks as they cause distension and increase the peristaltic contractions.
I hope this answers your querry.
With regards
Thank you for your help.
As your mother is vomiting even with an RT in place it suggests the severity of obstruction. The only option now would be to administer parentral nutrition only. Proper antibiotics to control infection based on the culture report will help.No further surgery is possible. Only supportive care is required.
You should continue giving her supportive care parentrally. The chances of cure for the adhesions is extremely less.
I hope this answers your doubt.
With regards