Had Appendix Removed. Does Smoking Cigarettes Or Marijuana Cause Any Side Effects?
You are a young man and you have a long fruitful life
ahead of you and only you can make it.I know whether
out of habit or from influence around you , you got into
smoking tobacco and also marijuana. As a physician I
would srongly advice against both even if they are
recreational . As for the bowel trouble, I can say ,after
any kind of abdominal surgery the intestines slow down
because of anesthesia etc. and it takes some time for
it to get back to normal function. Nicotine in tobacco
actually increases intestinal contractions, but Marijuana
is somewhat similar to a narcotic codiene which can
slow down contraction of the intestine and add to
I recommend that you seriously work on quitting
smoking and avoid use of marijuana which could lead
to addiction and to more serious drug addiction like
cocaine or heroine.
You are a young man and have a lot to look forward to
and you can only achieve the best if you put your best
efforts to make it possible.
I wish you the very best.