Had Burning Sensation On Penis And Bleeding During Urination. Had Gout And Erectile Dysfunction, Taking Naproxen . Suggest?
this burning and bleeding was sudden and without any previous signs or warning.
Urogenital disorder secondary to prostate disorder
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query,
Given your age plus the fact that you are already suffering from erectile dysfunction, the most likely culprit might the fact that you are suffering from prostate disorder which could benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) or prostate cancer both conditions having burning urination, difficulty urinating and hematuria as characteristic symptoms. Also important to rule out first hand the possibility of a complicated urinary tract infection including prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis etc and also urinary tract stones (ureteral, bladder, urethral, kidney). You will need a sample of your blood and urine analyzed, PSA testing, prostate examination done and also abdominal and/or prostate ultrasound. Ones these are done, specific cause will be done and immediate treatment started.
Please take note that this requires immediate medical attention and so you should not hesitate going to the emergency room.
Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah
causing a tiny cut in the passageway which seems to have closed itself.
This started yesterday AM and ended yesterday Pm. Unless I have a recurrence I will let well enough alone. As soon as feasible I intend getting checked for possible diabetes, etc. anyway. The cost of checkups, prescriptions, treatments, etc. are prohibitive for unemployed people so I may have to wait till November when I draw retirement benefits.
Thanks, Larry Cox
Most urogenital conditions can complicate
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for updating,
Most urogenital conditions can complicate to bleeding including stones. I think you need medical check up and I do understand that you can only do it when you have some money. You could still visit the emergency room just in case or observe for a while to see if this reoccurs then you visit the ER hoping that this does not reoccur with much more severity.
Dr. Nsah