Had Chronic Stomach Problems. Felt Knot Near Belly Button, Greenish Liquid Leaking From It. What Can It Be?
I am sorry I think you will not be able to treat this problem at home. It is better to take to the local GP for proper examination and treatment. He requires a course of antibiotics after thorough examination.
The medical history suggests he is lactose intolerant. The symptoms like abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, borborygmi (rumbling stomach) and vomiting are mostc ommon in Lactose intolerant.
Now acute history of knot near bellybutton and leaking this morning this morning suggests fistula. The XXXXXXX fluid may be bile or fecal matter or infection by pseudomonas. Fever will be associated with infection. Hence most likely chance is entero cutaneous fistula.
So get USG abdomen done, erect abdomen x XXXXXXX to rule out any obstruction and consult your surgeon asap to diagnose it and to start treatment early since the complication like bile peritonitis, septicemia, intestinal obstruction progressing to perforation, intussesuption can develop.
A GP examination does not cost much as you expect. You can call up local clinics in your area and ask for a cash discount too. Now a days many clinics accept sliding scale fee based on your annual income. I reckon the importance of an examination as early as possible.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help. Thank you....
Dr Vidya KR