Had Colosotomy Done. Started Diarrhoea. What Diet Should Be Given?
Thanks for your query.
I see you are doing the best for him, I really appreciate the care you invest in his diet.
The Immodium , a single dose of it would have helped better.The chances of infection being trapped in a person with colostomy after Immodium is rare.
The Scrambled egg and toast are good but presenting any matter to the intestines when irritated would not be a good option.
I suggest you to give him foods the most of which is absorbed in the stomach,like juices, soups , Malts of cereals, try to lessen the protein and fat in his diet as they need the entire intestine for the digestion.
Fruits are good like ones with large amount of juice relatively less pulp.Oranges, banana, cherry etc.Also lessen the foods containing fibre as they tend to draw water from the blood vessels into the intestinal lumen by osmosis and cause stools watery.
The above changes in the diet if followed for two would suffice.This will reduce the burden on the intestines and help them getting healed.
The cause of the loose stools has to be ascertained based on other associated features. If he has fever and myalgia then a chance of infection has to be considered and treat him with antibiotics.
Hope I answered your query.
Please come up with follow ups if any.
Wish you good health.